viernes, 4 de enero de 2019

circulatory system

the circulatory system:

The circulatory system is the one that pump the blood in our body  the blood vessels  are tubes that connect the heart to the rest of the body. there are three types of te blood vessels. arteries, venis and capillares. arteries are wide tubes that carry a lot of blood they the carry oxygenated  blood. venis  are narrorw  tubes that carry small quantities of blood.they carry blood  which contains carbon dioxide back to  the heart capillaries connect the arteries and the veins   the heart :is an organ that  acts  like     a pump. it has four chambers. the tow  upper chambers are called ventricles.  
the cholesterol: is an a  bad sustam whit is in the blood  its natural in te blood the cholesterol is produces in the liver the cholesterol is in the cheese the eggs and the butter the cholesterol is an a gran problemn and thecholesterol ist transport araund the body. 

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