domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2018



  1. Mouth and nose: air enters to the body through the mouse and nose.
  2. Vocal cord: As nair passes our vocal cords, they vibrate and anable us to speak.
  3. Trachea: This long rigid tuve connects our mouth and nose to our two bronchi. Air travels down the trachea into the bronchi.
  4. Lungs: these two large bags are connected to the bronchi. The bronchi branch into millions of smaller tubes, or branchioles, here in the lungs.
  5. Bronchi: these two smaller tubes connect the trachea to the lungs.
  6. Bronchioles: these are small tubes inside the lungs. At the end of each bronchiole, there are tiny sacs called alveoli. The air we breathe in goes into these tiny sacs and then passes into blood vessels which surround the.


3-Lung Cancer
6-Sleep Apnea


The functions of the respiratory system deliver air to the lungs. Oxygen in the blood and dioxide out.
Respirarion includes the follwoing processes:

External respiration is the process of gas Exchange between the atmosphere and the body tissues to make:
a.  The process of breathing (inhailing air and exhaling air).
b.  Gas transport, the process of distributing the oxygen throughout the body and collecting CO2 and returning it to the lunges.



  • Circulatory system: its connection with the respiratory system is that the last one takes oxygen through the mouth and nose and then it goes down the trachea into the lungs. Then the oxygen goes to the heart where it is sent out of the heart in blood to other parts of the body. The heart pumping out the oxygen is how the respiratory system and circulatory system are connected.

  • Excretory system: its connection with the respiratory system is when the last one provides oxygen for the heart and it is sent out in blood to other parts of your body, there are also unwanted or used gases in the blood such as urea. As the blood passes through the excretory system it gets rid of unwanted gases. The oxygen in blood passing through the excretory system and excreting the unwanted gases is how the excretory system and the respiratory system are connectec.

Thank for your attention

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