Marine ecosystem :
Are among of earth's aquatic ecosystem . Examples include salt marshes , intertidal zones estuaries, lagoos , mongroves , coral reefs , the deep sea and the sea floor . They can be contrasted . Supports the animal life and vice versa . See the food chain
Food chain : large shark > mahi mahi >mackerel>small fish> zooplankton > phytoplankton :
Humans living near the coast have probably always used the ocean as a source of food . Fishing was probably the first use of the ocean by humans in the comercial fishing have restulted in the over exploitation of many fish stoks.
miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018

Are located in the equatorial zone between the tropic Cancer and Capricorn.
Rainforest are forest characteristics by high rainfall.
Flora and Fauna:
They may be many millions of species of plants, insects an microorganisms. Mammals , reptiles, birds and invertebrates.
Snakes, turtles , cuculidae and chamaleons.
Interaction with the humans:
Positives and negatives
Have been called the jewels of the Earth and world`s largest pharmacy. Medicines , fungal infections , burns respiratory problems and wound treatment.Tropical rainforest provide timber as well as animal products such meat and hides
Also have value as tourism destinations and for the ecosystem services provided.
Biologists have estimated that large numbers of species are being driven to extintion.

Food chain:
PRODUCERS: Plants produce their own food from the energy form the sun
HERVIBORES : these animals eat plants . the butterfly eat nectar form plants
OMNIVORES: these animals eat plants and animals.
CARNIVORES: these animals eat meat which includes animals and insects
Temperature:Rainforest:between 27 and 29 C. Subtropical jungle:between 22 C. rainforest of the mountain: between 18 C
-the trees that emerge and appear above the roof formed by the uppermost branches.
-the so-called upper vegetation cover.
-the stratum of the trees of low height,
-shrubs that grow below the statum of shallow trees.
-The great mantle of fern and herbaceous plants that are in almost direct contact with the humid soil.
Animals:(Curiosity):More than 50% of the planet's species inhabit this habitat.
in the jungle there are many types of animals such as reptiles, birds, mammals ......
Interactions with the humans
-some humans when a forest burns it replant
-humans protecs endangered species
Food chain
the plants are eaten by deer,lazy(the animal)monkey,toucan,hippo.......are eaten by tiger,leopard,pantera.....
Temperature:Rainforest:between 27 and 29 C. Subtropical jungle:between 22 C. rainforest of the mountain: between 18 C
-the trees that emerge and appear above the roof formed by the uppermost branches.
-the so-called upper vegetation cover.

-shrubs that grow below the statum of shallow trees.
-The great mantle of fern and herbaceous plants that are in almost direct contact with the humid soil.
Animals:(Curiosity):More than 50% of the planet's species inhabit this habitat.
in the jungle there are many types of animals such as reptiles, birds, mammals ......
Interactions with the humans
-some humans when a forest burns it replant
-humans protecs endangered species
Food chain
the plants are eaten by deer,lazy(the animal)monkey,toucan,hippo.......are eaten by tiger,leopard,pantera.....
domingo, 25 de febrero de 2018
Where can you find savanna?
You can find savanna on:Africa,Australia,South America and India.
On savanna the temperature is arround 24 ºC.
Some of the animals than are in the savanna are :
Elephants are herbivores.
They live 50 or 70 yars and the
maximun was 82 years .
And... Do you know that the brain of a
elephant weighs about 5 kg? 😲
They are mammals and herbivores.
And, do you know that they are...91 species!!
Meerkats are carnivores.
The males weighs 731g and the females
720g, the head measure 25 or 35cm and
the tail measure 175 or 250 mm.
They are carnivores and mammals .
They eat herbivores like: zebras,gacelles
and boars.🐎🍴
They are herbivores
It can weight 1000kg 😥
And ... they can run at 57 kg /h !!⌚
They are herbivores.
They are 5 species of rhino:
white rhino, black rhino, Javan´s
rhino,Indian´s rhino and Sumatran´s
Do you know that white rhino
is not white?😆
And do you know to that black and
white rhinos have similar colors?😱
They are herbivores.
They are 3 types of zebra:
Equus grevy (zebra of grevy),Equus
quaga ( common zebra) and Equus
zebra ( mountain zebra) 🐎 🐎🐎

Where can you find savanna?
You can find savanna on:Africa,Australia,South America and India.
On savanna the temperature is arround 24 ºC.
Some of the animals than are in the savanna are :
Elephants are herbivores.
They live 50 or 70 yars and the
maximun was 82 years .
And... Do you know that the brain of a
elephant weighs about 5 kg? 😲
They are mammals and herbivores.
And, do you know that they are...91 species!!
Meerkats are carnivores.
The males weighs 731g and the females
720g, the head measure 25 or 35cm and
the tail measure 175 or 250 mm.
They are carnivores and mammals .
They eat herbivores like: zebras,gacelles
and boars.🐎🍴
They are herbivores
It can weight 1000kg 😥
And ... they can run at 57 kg /h !!⌚
They are herbivores.
They are 5 species of rhino:
white rhino, black rhino, Javan´s
rhino,Indian´s rhino and Sumatran´s
Do you know that white rhino
is not white?😆
And do you know to that black and
white rhinos have similar colors?😱
They are herbivores.
They are 3 types of zebra:
Equus grevy (zebra of grevy),Equus
quaga ( common zebra) and Equus
zebra ( mountain zebra) 🐎 🐎🐎
Giraffes are hebivores.
They can measure arround 6 metres!!!😉
And they can weight 750 or 1600 kg !!!😊
Some of the giraffes of west of Africa are on
Savanna have 2 seasons :
WET season
DRY season
Here you can see that the wet season have more vegetation than the dry season.
They are: gramíneas, Triodia and Astrebla
Sometimes this plants can measure more than 2 metres tall.
They are specially on savanna and deserts ( but I think warm
The plants are eaten by:
elephants, antelopes,buffalos,
rhinos, zebras and giraffes.
Elephants are eaten by the lion.
Antelopes are eaten by the lion.
Meerkats are eaten by the lion.
The lion isnt´n eaten by no one, but
we the lion die the decomposer eat
Buffalo is eaten by the lion.
Rhinos are eaten by the lion.
Zebras are eaten by the lion.
And giraffes are eaten by the
The good people help to the animals and the
plants , and some people to wanted to saved
all the species that are in danger of extinction.
We pollute a lot and we hunt animals , and sometimes,
we hunt animals are on danger of extinction.

cold desert
Where can you find it?
We can find it in: Antarctic, Greenland, Northern and Western China, Turkestan, Iran and the Nearctic area.
Snow in winter, rain in spring and in autumn.
Summers are short and wet.
Average temperature in winter: -2º and 4º
Average temperature in summer: 21º and 26º
There is little vegetation. Plants can be between 15 and 122 cm high.
In some areas we can find ground covers such as liquens. In other areas plants are far away from each other.
We can see grasses, shadscale and camelthorn.
We can see deer and polar bear in winter.
We can see small mammals such as rats, miece, squirrels, fox, coyote and lizards in spring, summer and autumn.
Jack rabbits, snakes and wolves are part of this ecosystem too.
We see insects when it's rain season.
Mosquito is eaten by lizzard.
Lizzard is eaten by fox.
Fox is eaten by wolf.
Wolf is eaten by descomposer when is dead.
Human interaction:
Cold deserts are areas with very few inhabitants. So human impact is very limited in cold deserts.
Cold deserts are officially protected, banning many destructive human activities and allowing natural life to grow.
Global warming is detroying many ecosystems due to the temperatura increase of the planet, caused by human actitity.
miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018
temperate forest
temperate forest
characteristics:- the weather is fresh
- the precipitacion is great
- is a lot of vegetación
the interaction by the humans
- + the exploitation of forest
- - we hunt a lot of animals that's why is are in danger of extinción
fun facts
- trees in temperate forest can usually take cold water , but they don't grow
food chain
the grasshoper eat th
e plant that are the producer, the mice eat the grasshoper the snake eat the mice , the Eagle eat the snake and when the Eagle die is eaten by a decomposer
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