domingo, 15 de enero de 2017

Digestive System.

How the  Digestive System Works

The digestive sysmen is the set of organs responsable for the process of digestion is performed by the transformation of food so that they can be absorbed and used by the body cells.
Gastric juice begins the digestion of ingested proteins. The process ends n the small intestine. There, several enzymes of the pancreatic juice and the intestinal mucosa break down the huge molecules into a much smaller, called aminoacids.

Digestive track:

Mouth:Introduce the food and chew it until it becomes a food blolus.

Esophagus: is a duct extending from the pharynx to the stomach. It has a structure formed by two layersof muscles, which allow the contraction and relaxation in the descending direction of the esophagus and cause the food to advance to the stomach.

Stomach: The stomach is an organ in which food acuumulates. It is the one in charge of doing the chemical transformation since the gastric juices transform the bolus aliment. In the stomach is made the digestion.

Pancreas: It is a gland that secretes hormonesninto the blood to control sugars and facilitates digestion, its secretions are of great importance in the digestions of food.

Liver: is removes toxins and collects vitamins and nutrients. The liver processes, breaks down and balances the blood, creates the nutrients and metabolizes the drugs so that the body can use them without being toxic.

Spleen: Its main function is the destruction of old red blood cells, produce some new ones and manintain a reserve of blood. It is part of the lymhatic system and is the center of activity of the inmune systems.

Small intestine: In the small intestine the nutrients of the already digested foods are absorbed.

Large intestine: It absorbs the vitamins that are released by bacteria that inhabit the colon nad water. It also compacts feces, and soteres fecal matter in the rectum until it is expelled through the anus.

  Fun facts

1) We always chew the food because if we did not chew it we wolud be dead by drowning.
2) To be born we have instinct to bite thigs.
3) We can nor get in the water after eating.
4) The liver has more than 500 functions.

lunes, 9 de enero de 2017

Respiratory System

Functions of Respiratory System

Through the breathing, inhalation and exhalation, the respiratory system helps the exchange of gases between the air and the bload and between the blood and the cells of the body.

The respiratory system facilitates us to smell and create sounds. There are five key functions of the respiratory system.

1) Inhalation and Exhalation are the Pulmonary ventilation - that's breathing.
2) External respiration exchanges gases between the lungs and the bloodstream.
3) Internal respiration exchanges gases between the bloodstream and body tissues.
4) Air vibrating the vocal cords creates sound.
5) Olfaction is a chemical sensation.

The parts of the respiratory system are: Nose, mouth, trachea, intercostal muscle, pleural membranes, rib, nasal passages, epiglottis, larynx, bronchus, bronchioles, alveoli, and diaphragm.

                                     RESPIRATORY SYSTEM


- INSPIRATION: during inspiration, your diaphragm contracts and your chest cavity expands.
- EXPIRATION: during expiration your diaphragm relaxes and your chest cavity contracts.
1.- Air enters the body througt the nostrills.
2.- The air travels down througt the larynx, the windpipe, the bronchi and the bronchioles, and finally reaches the lungs.
3.- Gas exchange takes places in the alveoli.

Resultado de imagen de how air travels around your body for kids 


The   respiratory  system  :they  transport  the  oxigen  and  expel  the  cabon  dyoxid

in  human  body    respratory  system  consits 
 of respiratory   airways  lung  and  respiratory muscle
that    the movementof air  both inside  andoutsidethe human  body

the  echange  of  gasess  is  the echange  of  oxigen  and  carbon

dioxide  from  the  living  being  whit the   medium

withingthe system    the  lungs  oxigen  moleclues

and carbon dioxide  are  passibelli  exanged  by difussion

between  the gaseous  enviromentand the blood  so  the

respiratory  systemfacilitates  oxigenation  continued

PARTS:nasal  cavity  ,oral  cavity  ,tounge,  trchea

pleura,  rhigh lung,  diapragrm,  pharhinx

epiglottis,  larinx,  bronchus left lung

we breaht 5  to 6 liters  of  airper  minute

adult  lungs  can hold  3  liter of air

Circulatorio system

                                                        The Circulatory  system 

Interactions it has with the other systems. The main function of the Circulatory System is it circulates blood around the body and delivers essential substances to cells and gets rid of waste. The four main organs in the circulatory system are the heart, blood, blood vessels, and lungs. The heart keeps the body freshly supplied with oxygen clearing harmful waste matters. The blood is the basic fluid that keeps the body going. The blood vessels carry blood to the kidney and heart. Then the lungs provide oxygenated blood. Cardiovascular Illness was the disease and it happens when the blood flows in the wrong direction. You can keep this system healthy by eating nutritious foods and exercising. The Interactions with the nervous system is when the brain tells the heart how much blood to pump. With the respiratory system the lungs oxygenate the blood. It interacts with the urinary system when it provides blood to make urine. Then with the muscular system the cardiac muscle contracts and circulates blood around the body. Next it interacts with the digestive system when the liver cleans the blood. Finally it interacts with the endocrine system when the Thyroid Gland regulates the blood pressure. I knew the organs before we started but I didn't know their functions. I liked doing this project once we got to the poster because I got to draw. Everything else was basically research which was ok. If someone was looking at the project they would learn that I'm an artist. I think it would've been more helpful if we had web searches, so we knew we were at a reliable resource.  


 Resultado de imagen de fotos circulatory systemResultado de imagen de fotos circulatory systemResultado de imagen de fotos circulatory system

Circulatory System

Circulatory System


1.1 The principal function of circulatory system is to move oxygen and nutrients through all the body this is called pump blood.

1.2 Protect illnesses 
Our body for protect from illnesses and infections use the white blood cells.

1.3 Clean up
Apart from oxigenate the blood also pump blood for cleaning the cells and taking the non used nutrients.

2.-What are ...?

2.1 What are white blood cells?
They are little cells that protect from bacterias and they prevent illness.

2.2 What are red blood cells?
They are microscopic cells that carry oxygen through the body.

2.3. What are platelets?
They are tiny cells that stop bleeding and close cuts creating a barrier.

2.4. What are capilars?
They are vessels which connect veins and arteries and also exchange substances inside the blood.

2.5. What is plasma?
It is a fluid that makes the blood cells float.

2.6 What are the veins?
They are vessels that carry blood to your heart.

2.7 What are the arteries?
They are are vessels which carry blood away from your heart.

3.- Parts of Circulatory system

3.1 Heart
3.2 White blood cells
3.3 Red blood cells
3.4 Plasma
3.5 Capilars
3.6 Platelets
3.7 Veins
3.8 Arteries

4.- Fun facts

4.1 An adult  has 5 o 6 l of blood and  a child has 2,5 o 3 l of blood.

4.2 If you have high blood pressure you must control this because you possibly can have a heart attack. But don´t worry because to avoid this you can eat fresh vegetables, no sugar or salt, also is very good make exercise and have a healthy life.

The respiratory system

  The respiratory system is responsible for                                                                                                  bringing oxygen to the body.
  That can be achieved thanks to the bronchi.
  The bronchi are responsible for passing oxygen                                                                                        to the bloo                                                    

The respiratory system is contained by....

Resultado de imagen de partes del sistema respiratorio en ingles

You knew that the lungs are the only organs that float in the water.
You knew you could sneeze at more than 15 kilometers per hour.

Did you know that we are able(some) to hold our breath underwater for more than 20 minutes

domingo, 8 de enero de 2017

Digestive System

                              DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

The Digestive System is responsible for transforming food substances into nutrients.
Resultado de imagen de DIGESTIVE system imagenes
The aliments enter by the mouth, then the teeth chew it and the food pass into the stomach, but first pass by the pharynx and the esophagus . Later they pass to the intestines , what serves to feed us goes to the blood and  what does not serve is eliminated by the anus.
This are the parts of the Digestive System.
  • ·      Mouth: The mouth is placed at the commencement of the alimentary canal.
  • ·      Tongue: The tongue is the organ of the special sense of taste. It is situated in the floor of the mouth
  • ·      Pharynx: The pharynx is that part of the alimentary canal which is placed behind the nose and mouth.
  • ·      Esophagus: The esophagus is a muscular canal, about nine inches in lights extending from the pharynx to the stomach.
  • ·      Stomach: The stomach is the principal organ of digestion. It is the most dilated part of the alimentary canal. It is situated between the termination of the esophagus and the commencement of the small intestine.
  • ·      Small Intestine: The small intestine is a convoluted tube, extending from the pylorus to the ileo-caecal valve, where it terminates in the large intestine.
  • ·      Large intestine: The large intestine extends from the termination of the ileum to the anus. It is about five feet in length, being one fifth of the whole extent of the intestinal canal.
  • ·      Anus


                    THE RESPIRATORY

The fuctions of the respiratory system:
The respiratory system is the group of tissues and organs in your body that enable you to breathe.This system includes your airways,your lungs and the blood vessels and muscles attached to them that work together so you can breathe.

The respiratory system's primary function is to supply oxygen to all the partsof your body .It accomplishes this trough breathing:inhaling oxigen-rich air and exhaling air filled with carbon dioxide,which is a waste gas.

The respiratory system is made up of airways
(your nose ,mouth,voice box,windpipe and bronchial tubes)and the lungs and the muscles and
 blood vessels connected to them. 


Nasal cavity plus paranasal sinuses nostril, oral cavity and pharynx, larynx,trachea,left main bronchus, right main bronchus, carina of strachea,bronchi,alveoli,
left lung,right lung,parietal pleura,diaphragm and ribs.




The function of the Digestive System is to provide our body with the energy, vitamins and minerals we need.

There are several stages in the digestive system, as que need first to breal the food in smaller pieces that the organs and cells of our body can use.


The major stages are:

- Chewing: We break the food in the mouth with our teeth in smaller pieces we can swallow, and mix it with the enzymes of the saliva.
- Swallow: The tongue and the muscles of the back of out mouth push the food to the esophagus and falls into the stomach.
- Stomach: While the food sits in the stomach, more enzymes break the food into smaller parts like proteins that our body can use.
- Small intestine: With the help of the liver and pancreas, keel breakig the food into arts that go to our blood.
- Large intestine: all the food and parts that our body doesn´t need or can use leave through the large instestine as waste.

- Mouth
- Teeth
- Salivary glands
- Tongue
- Esophagus
- Liver: provides biler that helps to break food into smaller pieces
- Pancreas: provides aditional enzymes to help to process the food.
- Small intestine
-Large intestine


- The total lengot of our digestive system is between 7 and 10 meters.
- The food hangs out in the stomach for four hours till is processed to the Small Intestine
- - The stomach kills a lot of bad bacteria so we don´t get sick.

                                  The circulatory system

The circulatory system is an organ system that permit to the blood to go around the body and trasport nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide and hormones and other gases to and from cells.

If the circulatory system doesn´t make his work the body can´t fight against diseases or keep a stable internal enviroment like "homeostasis" (temperature regulation and pH).

The circulatory system has two parts:

- The cardiovascular system.
- The lymphatic system.

Utility: the cardiovascular system distribute the blood. We need the blood circulatory system    because is connected to the heart, and when throb the blood goes through the veins to the whole    body.

- Parts (Organs): heart, vessels, blood and veins.

- The cardiovascular system also includes the pulmonary circulation because when the blood arrives    to the lungs is oxygenated and then the systemic circulation provide the rest of the body with the  oxygenated blood. The digestive system also works with the circulatory system because it gives the  nutrients that the heart needs to pump.

- The cardiovascular system is closed because the blood never leaves the blood vessels.

The lymphatic system:

- Utility:  One of the works of the lymphatic system is to ride the body of toxins,waste and other  unwanted materials.The principal fuction of lymphatic system is to transport lymph, that it´s a fluid  that contains infection-fighting white blood cells through the body.

- Parts: The lymphatic system is compound of lymphatic vessels and lymph capillares, lymph nodes  and lymphatic tissues and circulating lymph.

Curious facts:

- If we order all of the blood vessels, arteries and capillares we will get a line of 100 thousand        kilometers.

- The blood vessels are very narrow so the red blood cells must form a row and go one at a time.

- The heart can pump out of the body while it has oxygen.


- Wikipedia.

- Live science.

- Kids Health.

- Explora (Vix).


Circulatory System

The function of the circulatory system is to carry the blood around the body.

The blood carries nutrients and oxygene, it also contains  three types of cells:
  • Red blood cells, that give the red color to the blood, as they are the most numerous
  • White blood cells, which defend us from viruses  and infections
  • Platelets, that heal our wounds and form the scabs

The three type of cells go in a liquid that is called plasma.

The circulatory system works togehter with other systems, with the respiratory system to get the oxygen ant with the digestive system to get the nutrients.

The parts of the circulatory system are the following ones:
  • The heart, which pumps the blood around the body
  • The arteries, which carry the blood around the body
  • The veins, which bring back the blood to the heart
  • The capilaries,
The most important part of the circulatory system is the heart. This organ is a muscle and it is constantly moving.

Fun Facts:
  • The normal quantity of blood in an adult is around 6 liters. This is more or less a 7% of the weight of the body.
  • The circulatory system is a closed system, which means that blood never leaves the veins and arteries.
  • An adult has about 60 heartbeat per minute, if the adult is doing sport the heartbeat are higher.


 The digestive system has a vital role in the function of nutrition.

The digestive system is the responsible for break down the food we eat into smaller substances (nutrients) that our body can be use, and to expel the waste food out of the body.

In the digestive process there are three stages:

↠The digestion: Digestion is the process that happens to food in the digestive tract to transform into nutrients. There are two types of digestion. 
Mechanical digestion: When we chew and grind, the food in the mouth breaks into smaller pieces.
Chemical digestion: It is the action of the enzymes, gastric juices... to break down more the food. It begins in the mouth with the saliva and after in the stomach and intestines.

↠The absorption: Absorption is when the nutrients are absorbed in the villi in the small intestine and pass to the blood. 

↠The excretion: Excretion is the last step of digestion and consist in eliminate the food that the body doesn,t need.


The digestive system is a long tube that starts at the mouth and ends at the annus. The stomach, large intestine and small intestine process the food we eat. Other organs outside the digestive tract also participate in digestion. For example, the salivary glands, tongue, pancreas and liver are essential for digestion. 

The first step is in the mouth. The teeth grind the food and with the tongue mixes it with the saliva making the bolus. The tongue push the bolus toward the back of the throat to the
pharynx and then pass to the esophagus.

The bolus travels down through the esophagus to the stomach.

In the stomach the bolus mixes with enzimes and gastric juices and continue the process of breaking the food. The bolus transforms in a paste called chyme.

The chyme moves to the small intestine. In the small intestine the chyme becomes chyle for the action of other juices that secret the small intestine, the pancreas and the liver.

The food finish the process of digestion. In this moment begins the process of absorption in the small intestine.

The food that has not been absorbed goes to the large intestine. The water is absorbed and the rests are transformed into faeces to be eliminated through the annus.


We eat about 500kg of food per year.
We produce 7 liters of saliva more or less each day
The empty stomach has a small volume but can expand to have 1.5 litres of food.

Some animals haven't stomach  (seahorses, platypuses...) and others animals like giraffes, cows and deers have stomachs with some compartments.
The esophagus is 25cm long.
The lenght of the small intestine is 7 meters.
The large intestine is 1,5 meters long.
It is responsible for providing your body the oxygen it needs

What is the respiratory sistem?

Is the responsive of collecting the oxygen of the air and go to the blood and expel carbon dioxide.


    Resultado de imagen de respiratory system
  • Nose:
Passageway for air.
  • Pharynx:
Common passageway for air, food and liquid.
  • Epiglottis:
Covers larynx duuring swallowing
  • Larynx:
Producction of sound
  • Trachea:
Main airway
  • Bronchi:
Braching airways
  • Bronchioles
  • Alveoli:
Air sac for gas exchange.
  • Lungs:
Organ of gas exchange.
  • Intercostal muscle:
Moves ribs during respiration
  • Diaphragm:
Skeletal muscle of respiration

Resultado de imagen de Breathing processBreathing process
When we  breathe , we catch air that contains oxigen.

When the air enters the via nose or mouth, travel to the pharinx and to the larynx. The air heats and moistents .

And then enters into the trachea and produce a further filtration done. The trachea it is divided into two parts what are they left and right bronchie and passes through  250000 bronchioles.

At the end of the bronchioles, theses are grouped in alveoli, small air sacs where gas exchange is performed with the blood.  The oxygen enters the blod through small capillaries. From there it´s carried to theheart from where issent to teh whole body.

expelled process

The carbón dioxide that leaves the cells of the body travels into the capillars towards the heart and from there to the lungs to be expelled.



Breating air is necessary for kepping humans alive. Through respiration we take in the in the oxygen our cells need to transform into energy and our body releases the carbon dioxide it doesn´t need. Your lungs make up one of the largest organs in your body. They work to allow to take fresh air and get rid of stale air.


The lungs are in our chest and they are so large that they take up most of the space in there. We have two lungs, but they aren´t the same size. The lung on the left side of our body is a bit smaller than the lung on the right. This extra space on the left leaves room for our heart. The lungs are protected by our rib cage.



The air enters the body through our nose, then it goes down through the pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and finaly the alveoli.

In the following video you can see the functioning of the respiratory system



The human respiratory system is a series of organs responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.

The primary organs of the respiratory system are lungs, which carry out these exchange of gases as we breathe 

Red blood cells collect the oxygen from the lungs and carry it to the parts of the body with is needed, during the process, the red blood cells collect the carbon dioxide and transport it back to the lungs, wheres it leaves the body when we exhale.

Resultado de imagen de respiratory system 3d


The nostrils: Are involved air intaked, they bring air into the nose, where air is warmed and humidified.

Trachea: Is also known as windpipe. The trachea filters the air we inhael and brunches into the bronchi.

Lungs: The main organ of the respiratory system is lungs. Lungs are the site in body where 
oxygen is taken into a carbon dioxide is expelled out. The  reed blood cells, present in the blood picks up the oxigen in the lungs and carry and distribute the oxigen to all body, cells that need it. 

Alvelous: Alvelous is the sac like structure present in the lungs which the gaseous exchange  takes place.

Diaphragm: Breating begins at the bottom of the lungs  which is know as diaphagram,  when we breathe in the diaphagram contracts and flatten out and pull downward .Due to this movement the space in the lungs increase and pulls air into the lungs.

Resultado de imagen de respiratory system images

                                                THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM


· The circulatory system transport nutrients and oxygen trough the blood to the cells.
Type of blood:
*Plasma: This is the fluid which your blood cells float in. It also carries the nutrients and waste products.
*If you observe a microscope, you will see different type of blood cells.
Type of blood cells:
*Red blood cells: Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide.
*Platelets:They healwounds and stop you bleeding
*White blood cells: They defend your body from virus.
Blood vessels:
*Veins: These are the vessels wich carry blood to your heart.
*Capillaries:Are narrowvessels that connect arteries and veins.
*Arteries: These are vessels wich carry blood away from your heart.
 How your blood moves around your body:
 ·Blood circulation is the journey that your blood takes around your body. This journey is divided into two circuits or routes.
 *Pulmonary circulation: A route that go from the heart to the lungs, and back again.
 *General circulation: A route that go around the body.

The heart.
· The heart is muscular organ with four chambers: two of them are atria and the other two ventricles. They comunicate trough valves. The heart contract and expand to push the blood around body.
*Systole: The heart contracts and sends blood to the arteries.
*Diastole: The heart relax and blood enters from the veins.
 The relations of circulatory system.
 *The respiratory system passes the oxygen it takes to the blood.
*The digestive system transform the food into nutrients and passes to the blood.
*The excretory system eliminates waste substances and produce urine and sweat.