martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Mystifying Blue Smoke

Did you know about this amazing matierial!?

-It is a solid but it has the lowest density of any solid known to humans. It looks like smoke.

It is heat resistant
- It is not a good conductor of heat. You can put an object on it and then burn the aerogel and the object will not burn.

It is super strong
- Aerogel is very strong. It can hold up to 4000 times its own weight.

It can capture and stop objects that are moving very very fast.
-It can stop an object moving faster than a bullet.
-It is used by astronauts to collect information from space.

Would you like to play with Aerogel?

martes, 3 de febrero de 2015



      Only look at how he thows.
· When you throw a ball you are using these muscles and bones:
· The muscles that we use are the deltoid, the biceps, the triceps, the quadriceps and the calf muscle.
· The bones that we use are the clavicle, the humerus, the radius, the ulna, the carpians, the femur, the patella, the fibula, the tibia and the tarsians.


·           When you hit a ball you use these bones and muscles:
· The muscles that you use are the pectorals, the deltoid, the biceps, the triceps, the abdominals, the serratus and the obliques.
· The bones that we use are the clavicle, the ribs, the humerus, the radius, the ulna, the carpians and the pelvis.


 ·           When you swim you move all the muscles and bones except the muscles and bones of the face.
·           MUSCLES:
· The muscles that we use are the sternocleidomastoid, the pectorals, the deltoid, the biceps, the triceps, the abdominals, the serratus, the obliques, the quadriceps and the calf muscle.
· The bones that we use are the sternum, the clavicle, the ribs, the humerus, the radius, the ulna, the carpians, the pelvis, the femur, the patella, the fibula, the tibia and the tarsians.


 · When you jump you use this bones and muscles:
· The muscles that we use are the
pectorals, the abdominals, the serratus, the obliques, the quadriceps and the calf muscle.
· The bones that we use are the pelvis, the femur, the patella, the fibula, the tibia and the tarsians.


· When you smile you use the jaw muscle and the jaw. (that we now)


lunes, 2 de febrero de 2015


When I play footbal, I running, jumping and kicking a ball.

I´m talking about these actions, because I used your muscles and bones

This video show muscles used in running

And other one, show the bones of the body and that I used in the three actions.

Muscles used when we running

Muscles used when we jumping

A lot of muscles used when we kicking

Now I like to learn snowboard, ;)!

the parts that your move when you do something

in this carácter, his moving the quadriceps the calf muscle the femur the patella the fibula the tibia and the tarsians.

in this carácter , his move the tarsians the quadriceps the femur the patella de calf muscle the fibula the carpians the radius the unla the bíceps the tríceps the humerus clavice and the deltoid.

in this carácter, his move the jaw thejaw muscle the nasal bone.

domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015



The principal muscles that they use are:

Quadriceps,  calf muscle, biceps and triceps.


The muscles that we use in gymnastic are:
calf muscle, quadriceps, biceps, triceps, deltoid, serratus, abdominals and obliques.

It´s very funny jumping rope.

I use all my body.



During the laugh there contract 15 facial muscles, the diaphragm and other muscles of the chest, as well as the abdomen, and even some persons manage to move the arms and the legs while they laugh;

Smile is very good for the health, I smile so much every day and I like make smile everybody.

When you smile you use the follows muscles: Jaw muscle, buccinators, orbicular
the bones: Jaw

Walk by trails is best for bones;

The main muscles that we use to walk are:

Quadriceps, calf, abdominal muscles and gluteal

The bones that support walking are:

Metatarsals, ankle bones, femur, fibula, patella and hip


This exersise I like so much.

We work the follows bones: ulna, radius, pelvis and humerus.
And the muscles: biceps and triceps.






Sports that I do with my bones and muscles

It's a girl doing rhythmic gymnastic.
When you make a split you use the quads and the hip bone.

This is a man riding a horse.
He uses the quads, the gluteus maximus and the abdominals.  The legbones he uses are:
fibula, tibia, femur,  patella in the knee and metatarsal in the foot.

These girls are playing  volleyball.
They use quads and gluteus  to jump and run. 
They use the arms to hit the ball with the muscles of the biceps, triceps and deltoids. 
They move the bones of the legs to run: femur, fibula, tibia and patella.
They move the bones of the arms and hands:  humerus, radius, ulna, carpels and phalanx.