sábado, 30 de abril de 2016


*What can I do to save the electricity?

Use only when it´s necessary or obligatory, and try not to spend it in bad ways.
* Examples:

   ·When I´m in other place, I switch off the light.

   ·When I´m doing my homework if it a sunny day, I take   advantage of the sun and not of the artificial light.

   ·I´m can´t stay with the computer when it is carry.

   ·I wait for the battery will finish.

   ·Buy machines and electrical appliance energy-saving.

*Fun facts:

In my house we have photovoltaic panels that take the sun´s energy to transform in electric energy. That energy we can use for us at home or sell at the electric company. In this moments the actual politic doesn´t help to use that energy for us, so we sell the electric energy to the company.

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