viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014


1.       The sequoia is a tree that needs water, sunlight, minerals and carbon dioxide like the other plants.
2.       The sequoia like all the trees have roots, a trunk and leaves.
3.       And it is a flowering plant.
4.       Is a very tall tree that measures like fifty meters.
5.       The sequoia also called as the red woods or the giant tree.
6.       The sequoias are very resistant to fire.
7.       The sequoia reproduces by cones.
8.       The sequoia has a very thick trunk and very small leaves.
9.       The sequoia wood is use to make high quality furniture.
10.   The trunk can be several meters thick.
11.   There is a sequoia that can live for more than two thousand years.
12.   The sequoia only grows in the west of USA.
13.   The biggest sequoia is called Sherman.
14.   There are many sequoia in the sequoia national park in California.
15.   The sequoia is the tallest tree in the world and the tree that can live for the most years in the world to.

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