viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014



  • The violet: His species is Violates odorata, family of the Purplish ones is of leaf perecne and can manage to measure 5-10 cm. The flowers are born at the end of the winter at the beginning of spring. They live in forests and shady and humid zones. Original of Europe, it spreads practically all over the world, from Asia up to the north of Africa, happening for the freshest zones of America.
  • It does not have stem, his leaves are short. The flowers appear in the end of the flower-stalks and are of violet intense color, with 5 sepals and 5 unequal petals. The fruit is a capsule of three valves. The flower dismisses on she having be scrubbed by an agreeable and sweet smell.
  • His flowers are in use for relieving the respiratory affections and for calming the cough. For his agreeable aroma, it is in use in many prepared manufacturers based on grasses that, for his bitter flavor, turn out to be disagreeable of taking. Also it uses like fragrantly of candies

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