sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2016

The circulatory system

The circulatory system

1.what is the circulatory system?

 The circulatory system, is one of the most
important system, because the blood carry 
oxigen and nutrients.

 2.  wich are the 
functions of the 
circulatory system?

1. The circulatory system is an organ system that
permits the blood circulate and transport   inside 
nutrients and  oxigen to the cells and eliminates the
waste substances.

2. The circulatory system consist, the blood, heart and blood vessels.

3. The blood vessels

The blood vessels:

1. artery: Is a blood vessel that carry blood away the heart.
2. veins: Is a blood vessel that carry blood to the heart.
3. capillary: Is the small blood vessel.

4. what are the red cells and the white cells?

Red blood cells:

The red blood cells are the most important in

the blood,the red blood cells they   carry 
oxigen into the lungs.  

white blood cells:

The white blood cells, the cells only works in

the protections of the infections ill or viruses.
All the white blood cells of the blood
have  nucleus and plaquets. 

5. The heart

The heart is the principal organ in the body .
The heart only work and help the blood.The 
heart pumps the blood and carries it to the whole 

6. Fun facts

1. It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.
2. In the body aproximatle of red blood cells are 5 million.
3. About 8 million, blood cells die in the human body every second.
4. About 8 million, blood cells born in the human body every second
5. your heart beats 70 times a minut.

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