sábado, 30 de diciembre de 2017



Jellyfish is the familiar name for a free- swimming family of invertebrate animals .


  • The jellyfish have a round bell. They haven´t brain.
  • They have  sticky tentacles. They sting when they touch.
  • The mouth is in the centre of the inferior side of the bell. The mouth is the only way in and out.
  • The jellyfish bring food to the mouth with the oral arms.

Vital functions:

  • Interaction: Jellyfish move by floating with the ocean currents but sometimes they squeeze the body to push water out if they need to move.
  • Reproduction: The jellyfish can be female or male but both of them can produce eggs and sperm. It is not necessary to be the female and the male together to have jellyfish babies.
  • Nutricion:The jellyfish are carnivore and they eat small fish, eggs and zooplankton with the mouth .

Example of the cell:

Did you know???

  • That some jellyfish are bigger than a human !!!
  • That the jellyfish are on the Earth for million of years even before the dinosours !!!
  • People in some countries eat jellyfish!!!


viernes, 29 de diciembre de 2017


                                                 Turtles 🐢

The Turtles can be water or land.
 This is a example of a land turtle
Land turtles known as tortoises, are shelled reptiles that live on land as opposed to their aquatic counterparts.

Land turtles can live in a variety of different climates, including tropical forests and blistering hot desert sand.🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢

This is a example of a water or sea turtle:
Sea turtles, sometimes called marine turtles, are reptiles of the order Testudines.

The seven extant species of sea turtles are: the green, loggerhead, Kemp's, ridley, olive ridley, hawksbill, flatback, and leatherback.

Turtles are reptiles of the order characterized by a special bony or catilaginous shell developed from their ribs and acting as a shield.
"Turtle" may refer to the order as a whole (American English) or to fresh-water and sea-dweling testudines.

The turtles can be domestics animals.🐢

I hope you like it 😗





All turtles have hard shells that helps protect them.The shell of a turtle is actually the outer part of their skeleton.

The head:

The turtles head is covered in hard scales.Turtles don´t have teeth but instead have a strong bake with a sharp edge.Turtles have large upper eyelids that are used to protect their eyes.

The colouration:

Depending on the species, a turtle colouration can range from olive-green,yellow,greenish-brown,reddish-brown to black.

The flippers:

The turtles flippers are long and paddle-like.There are only one or two claws on each of their fore flippers.Their hind flippers are used as rudders while their front flippers are used to power them through the water.A sea turtle can not retract it´s limbs under it´s shell as Land Turtles can.


  • Animals
  • Oviparus
  • Reptile
  • Aquatic or Terrestial
  • Omnivore

I hope you like it 



Characteristic of Dolphin  🐬 

Dolphin they are animals mammals classified low to the order cetaceans odontocetos.

Dolphin are carnivores.

Usually eat little fish, but as well may search calamari, crab, octopus, prawns or others animals the little bit size.

They are dolphin of sweetwater, river dolphin, saltwater dolphin or ocean dolphin.

They have between 20 teeth and 50 teeth in each jaw according his species .

Dolphin are sociability, arriving to live in groups the until 12 members.

Types of Dolphin  🐬 

  • They are 35 types of dolphin.
  1.  Tonina chilean
  2. Tonina overa
  3. Dolphin the heaviside
  4. Dolphin the Hector
  5. Dolphin common coastal
  6. Dolphin common oceanic
  7. Killer whale pygmy
  8. Pilot the fin short
  9. Pilot common
  10. Dolphin the risso
  11. Dolphin the fraser
  12. Dolphin of the atlantic
  13. Dolphin of the snout white
  14. Dolphin austral or antartic
  15. Dolphin crosed
  16. Dolphin of the peaceful the sides white
  17. Dolphin dark or fitzroy 
  18. Dolphin beluga of the river irrawaddy 
  19. Dolphin beluga the heinsohn 
  20. Killer whale common
  21. Dolphin the head cantaloupe
  22. False killer whale
  23. Tacuxi
  24. Coastal
  25. Dolphin pink the Hong Kong
  26. Dolphin gibbous atlantic 
  27. Dolphin saddled or stained tropical
  28. Dolphin acrobat the snout short 
  29. Dolphin list
  30. Dolphin stained of the atlantic 
  31. Dolphin acrobat the snout long
  32. Dolphin the snout narrow
  33. Dolphin Indo-Peaceful
  34. Dolphin nose the bottle or mular
  35. Dolphin burrunan

Parts of  Dolphin  🐬  

Example of a Cell  🐬  

Fun Facts 🐬  

  • Most dolphins live for between 20 and 90 years.
  • Dolphins can live in all different parts of the word. Dolphins can live in both warm and cold water, and some types even live in rivers.
  • Dolphin have very large brains and are considered to be very intelligent .
  • Dolphin can communicate with others members of their pod by using clicks, whistles, and squeaks.
    • They  can also  use  a  special  form  of  sound  called  ``echolocation´´ to find food. Dolphin video and sounds.

    the beaver

    the beaver

    beavers are animals of the species of rodents, semi-aquatic living in south america and euroasia
     Beavers have the ability to prey to stop the water course and create their houses called beavers

    beavers are herbivores their main feeding is based on branches and leaves of trees and roots of aquatic plants a beaver can live an average of 13 to 20 human yearsand these usually weigh an average of 11 to 30 kilograms and finally the beavers usually have measures of 80cm to 100cm

    miércoles, 27 de diciembre de 2017


    The    hamsters  are domestic  animals  there are  nineting  types. the most famus are the  rovoroski  el ruso and sirio.

    The  hámsters  are pets and usualy  live in cage. But  they  need  sometimes run out  of the  cage.

    They    eat  pipes nuts  and some times insectes .

    They  reproduce quickly, the gestation  last  abaut16 days.They can have  up to twenty  babies.

    The life of a hámster its no very long, between  2 and 3 years.

    They usually  sleep  during  the day, and they are active in the night
    The European race  can  grow so much as 34 centimeters long. Instead the hámster dwarf  its grows 10 centimeters..
     this is a example of hámster sirio:

    Resultado de imagen de hamster informacion

    The more common  hámsteris is the  Sirios one, known as Golden hámster. .

    The firts hámster were discoverid in Siria although   also he find in Grecia , Rumania ,Bélgica and

    in the north of china.

    The hámster Sirio  no like live with more hamsters because usually mark territory

    Its very important for the hámster  healht to wake physical exercice.           


    martes, 19 de diciembre de 2017


    Aloe vera😛


    Aloe vera grows in tropical climates around the world. It is cultivated for agricultural, medicinal and decorative uses.
    You can find it also in drinks and body creams. It's good for your skin, especially when you have a sunburn.
    It's used in the traditional medicine from 16th century BC.


    Aloe vera is a plant with very short stem. It can be between 60-100 cm tall. Leaves are green and have a serrated shape. Flowers are produced in summer.


    Resultado de imagen de aloe vera plant anatomy
    *if you want to read the words of this picture, please, make your screen bigger (zoom).

    Example of cell  


    • medicinal and cosmetics purposes. It's normally used in body creams for soothing and moisturizing your skin. 
    • food and diet: It's used as ingredient in yogurts, drinks and desserts.

    • you can find it also in makeups, soaps, sun protectors, shampoos, shaving creams, food and water preservatives.

    2 recent studies confirm that aloe vera is not as good as medicinal and cosmetics industries say.
    These studies say that it's not clear that aloe vera is really good as humans skin protector.
    Also, aloe vera can be toxic for humans if it's used too much.


    Aloe vera has been used as a medicinal plant since the 16th century BC, mainly for your skin protection. Medicinal and cometics industry say that aloe vera is good for humans. However, recent studies say that there's no strong evidence on this. 



    3. RUMPUS 
    8. BOOPER

                                                 DID YOU KNOW ?







    lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2017

    Cobra 💲

    Cobra 🌝

    🍉The cobra is the most venomous animal  1 c🎿spian cobra (0.10  mg per kg).

    This animal is dangerous and carnivorous.


    😅There are many different kinds of snake  in the world but  not all of them are venomous.

    🐪fun fats of cobra :

     the cabra are long and short

    and is intelligent

    viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017




    Platypus belong to the animal kingdom.

    The platypus is a semiaquatic mammal that lay eggs.

    They are the only mammals that have a beak and lay eggs instead of giving birth.

    The male has a spike on the foot that delivers a venom that causes pain to humans.

    They eat insects, larvae, worms, snails, small fish, shrimp, crabs and frogs.

    The most characteristic parts of the platypus are:

    - the closable nostrils,
    - the eyes,
    - the tiny ear slits,
    - the short fur,
    - the furry tail,
    - the beak (shaped like a duck´s beak),
    - the 5-toed feet with no hair, 
    - the poisoned spike on male´s ankle 

    Did you know ?

    The platypus was a not very well known animal. Now is more popular because it´s in a cartoon programme called phineas and ferb.



    If you treat them well they are cute and friendly. If you don´t believe me wach this video.

    Hope you like it!

    killer whales!!!!!

                            THE KILLER WHALE!!!! 

        The killer whale is a particular animal : 

    killer whales, are carnivores,they normaly eat:Penguins,Otters,seals and other sea animals.

    The male killer whale can weight 5'5 tons and 9 metres, while female only weight 4 tons 

    just measure 7'7metres.😋

    They live in Antartic and Artic oceans

    killer whale live in communities of

    6 to 40 killer whales.

    Killer whale is not a fish ,however is not a whale.

    And do you know killer whale is my favourite animal in the hole world!

    Hope you like it😍😍

    jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2017



    (Canis Lupus)

     Resultado de imagen de lobo       


    Wolves are wild animal. 

    They are mammals, vertebrate and carnivorous. They are in a top of the food chain, and they don´t have predators. The most enemy of the wolf, there are the human. They use traps and poisons to kill them. Many wolves died every year.

    They eat only meat. For example: sheep, chicken, pigs, horses, and others animals. More people, killed the wolves, because they eat his domestic animals in his farmers. 

                                       Imagen relacionada

    Wolves can´t live alone, as a dog can. They live on herds, to fifteen or twenty wolves. They use his urine to mark their territory.

    He has a big layer of hair on his body, to protect from the cold. Wolves have a big sense of smell. They use these smell for hunt and communicate. 
    As well, they have a big and strong mouth to be able hunt.     

                       Resultado de imagen de mandibula de lobo

    Species of wolves:

    The wolves live in the forest and in the mountains, in more parts of de world. There are six species of wolves in the world. 

                          Imagen relacionada

    In Spain, then there are wolves. His name is the Iberican Wolf. Please, see the picture... 

    The Iberican wolf 
    Differences between dog and wolf.

    The domestic dog, is a similar animal, but is not the same. The wolf is a wild animal, and de dog is a domestic animal.

    Legends of the wolves.
    Always, the people think that the wolves howl at the moon, but it´s not true. They howl in the night, for gather the herd, to indicate where they are, or as a warning for other wolves, and for found a female to reproduce. Please, see the video.

    I like so much this animal. I hope, that you liked it and enjoy with my job.

    Thank you very much for your attention.

    miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017


    Here you have some tips so you can start your project in class. Hope you like it!😉

    domingo, 15 de enero de 2017

    Digestive System.

    How the  Digestive System Works

    The digestive sysmen is the set of organs responsable for the process of digestion is performed by the transformation of food so that they can be absorbed and used by the body cells.
    Gastric juice begins the digestion of ingested proteins. The process ends n the small intestine. There, several enzymes of the pancreatic juice and the intestinal mucosa break down the huge molecules into a much smaller, called aminoacids.

    Digestive track:

    Mouth:Introduce the food and chew it until it becomes a food blolus.

    Esophagus: is a duct extending from the pharynx to the stomach. It has a structure formed by two layersof muscles, which allow the contraction and relaxation in the descending direction of the esophagus and cause the food to advance to the stomach.

    Stomach: The stomach is an organ in which food acuumulates. It is the one in charge of doing the chemical transformation since the gastric juices transform the bolus aliment. In the stomach is made the digestion.

    Pancreas: It is a gland that secretes hormonesninto the blood to control sugars and facilitates digestion, its secretions are of great importance in the digestions of food.

    Liver: is removes toxins and collects vitamins and nutrients. The liver processes, breaks down and balances the blood, creates the nutrients and metabolizes the drugs so that the body can use them without being toxic.

    Spleen: Its main function is the destruction of old red blood cells, produce some new ones and manintain a reserve of blood. It is part of the lymhatic system and is the center of activity of the inmune systems.

    Small intestine: In the small intestine the nutrients of the already digested foods are absorbed.

    Large intestine: It absorbs the vitamins that are released by bacteria that inhabit the colon nad water. It also compacts feces, and soteres fecal matter in the rectum until it is expelled through the anus.

      Fun facts

    1) We always chew the food because if we did not chew it we wolud be dead by drowning.
    2) To be born we have instinct to bite thigs.
    3) We can nor get in the water after eating.
    4) The liver has more than 500 functions.

    lunes, 9 de enero de 2017

    Respiratory System

    Functions of Respiratory System

    Through the breathing, inhalation and exhalation, the respiratory system helps the exchange of gases between the air and the bload and between the blood and the cells of the body.

    The respiratory system facilitates us to smell and create sounds. There are five key functions of the respiratory system.

    1) Inhalation and Exhalation are the Pulmonary ventilation - that's breathing.
    2) External respiration exchanges gases between the lungs and the bloodstream.
    3) Internal respiration exchanges gases between the bloodstream and body tissues.
    4) Air vibrating the vocal cords creates sound.
    5) Olfaction is a chemical sensation.

    The parts of the respiratory system are: Nose, mouth, trachea, intercostal muscle, pleural membranes, rib, nasal passages, epiglottis, larynx, bronchus, bronchioles, alveoli, and diaphragm.

                                         RESPIRATORY SYSTEM

    - INSPIRATION: during inspiration, your diaphragm contracts and your chest cavity expands.
    - EXPIRATION: during expiration your diaphragm relaxes and your chest cavity contracts.
    1.- Air enters the body througt the nostrills.
    2.- The air travels down througt the larynx, the windpipe, the bronchi and the bronchioles, and finally reaches the lungs.
    3.- Gas exchange takes places in the alveoli.
    Resultado de imagen de how air travels around your body for kids 


    The   respiratory  system  :they  transport  the  oxigen  and  expel  the  cabon  dyoxid

    in  human  body    respratory  system  consits 
     of respiratory   airways  lung  and  respiratory muscle
    that    the movementof air  both inside  andoutsidethe human  body

    the  echange  of  gasess  is  the echange  of  oxigen  and  carbon

    dioxide  from  the  living  being  whit the   medium

    withingthe system    the  lungs  oxigen  moleclues

    and carbon dioxide  are  passibelli  exanged  by difussion

    between  the gaseous  enviromentand the blood  so  the

    respiratory  systemfacilitates  oxigenation  continued

    PARTS:nasal  cavity  ,oral  cavity  ,tounge,  trchea

    pleura,  rhigh lung,  diapragrm,  pharhinx

    epiglottis,  larinx,  bronchus left lung

    we breaht 5  to 6 liters  of  airper  minute

    adult  lungs  can hold  3  liter of air

    Circulatorio system

                                                            The Circulatory  system 

    Interactions it has with the other systems. The main function of the Circulatory System is it circulates blood around the body and delivers essential substances to cells and gets rid of waste. The four main organs in the circulatory system are the heart, blood, blood vessels, and lungs. The heart keeps the body freshly supplied with oxygen clearing harmful waste matters. The blood is the basic fluid that keeps the body going. The blood vessels carry blood to the kidney and heart. Then the lungs provide oxygenated blood. Cardiovascular Illness was the disease and it happens when the blood flows in the wrong direction. You can keep this system healthy by eating nutritious foods and exercising. The Interactions with the nervous system is when the brain tells the heart how much blood to pump. With the respiratory system the lungs oxygenate the blood. It interacts with the urinary system when it provides blood to make urine. Then with the muscular system the cardiac muscle contracts and circulates blood around the body. Next it interacts with the digestive system when the liver cleans the blood. Finally it interacts with the endocrine system when the Thyroid Gland regulates the blood pressure. I knew the organs before we started but I didn't know their functions. I liked doing this project once we got to the poster because I got to draw. Everything else was basically research which was ok. If someone was looking at the project they would learn that I'm an artist. I think it would've been more helpful if we had web searches, so we knew we were at a reliable resource.  


     Resultado de imagen de fotos circulatory systemResultado de imagen de fotos circulatory systemResultado de imagen de fotos circulatory system