sábado, 30 de diciembre de 2017



Jellyfish is the familiar name for a free- swimming family of invertebrate animals .


  • The jellyfish have a round bell. They haven´t brain.
  • They have  sticky tentacles. They sting when they touch.
  • The mouth is in the centre of the inferior side of the bell. The mouth is the only way in and out.
  • The jellyfish bring food to the mouth with the oral arms.

Vital functions:

  • Interaction: Jellyfish move by floating with the ocean currents but sometimes they squeeze the body to push water out if they need to move.
  • Reproduction: The jellyfish can be female or male but both of them can produce eggs and sperm. It is not necessary to be the female and the male together to have jellyfish babies.
  • Nutricion:The jellyfish are carnivore and they eat small fish, eggs and zooplankton with the mouth .

Example of the cell:

Did you know???

  • That some jellyfish are bigger than a human !!!
  • That the jellyfish are on the Earth for million of years even before the dinosours !!!
  • People in some countries eat jellyfish!!!


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