jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2017



(Canis Lupus)

 Resultado de imagen de lobo       


Wolves are wild animal. 

They are mammals, vertebrate and carnivorous. They are in a top of the food chain, and they don´t have predators. The most enemy of the wolf, there are the human. They use traps and poisons to kill them. Many wolves died every year.

They eat only meat. For example: sheep, chicken, pigs, horses, and others animals. More people, killed the wolves, because they eat his domestic animals in his farmers. 

                                   Imagen relacionada

Wolves can´t live alone, as a dog can. They live on herds, to fifteen or twenty wolves. They use his urine to mark their territory.

He has a big layer of hair on his body, to protect from the cold. Wolves have a big sense of smell. They use these smell for hunt and communicate. 
As well, they have a big and strong mouth to be able hunt.     

                   Resultado de imagen de mandibula de lobo

Species of wolves:

The wolves live in the forest and in the mountains, in more parts of de world. There are six species of wolves in the world. 

                      Imagen relacionada

In Spain, then there are wolves. His name is the Iberican Wolf. Please, see the picture... 

The Iberican wolf 
Differences between dog and wolf.

The domestic dog, is a similar animal, but is not the same. The wolf is a wild animal, and de dog is a domestic animal.

Legends of the wolves.
Always, the people think that the wolves howl at the moon, but it´s not true. They howl in the night, for gather the herd, to indicate where they are, or as a warning for other wolves, and for found a female to reproduce. Please, see the video.

I like so much this animal. I hope, that you liked it and enjoy with my job.

Thank you very much for your attention.

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