miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015


The kingdom type.

Sharks are a group of fish and the sister group to the rays. They are oviparous. There are different kinds and shark species, such as:

  • whale shark
  • great white shark
  • megalodon
  • tiger shark 
  • goblin shark

2.  Relationships:

Intraspecific example protection when some sharks protect it. Interspecific example predation when some animals fight and have two names predator and prey.The shark and the remora is like a friend and the remora send the shark to eat food or others living things.

3.  Charasteristics:
It is a great predator to smell the blood of other living things, they can swim very fast in order to hunt  the smaller fish. They have two fins, so they are able to swim. They are considered great hunters. 
They have many sharp teeth.

4.  Fun fucts

How many teeths have the shark? The shark have more than 26 teeths.
where they live the shark?The shark live in the ocean with other living things algae,fish,jellyfish.....
I like the shark becouse is a great predator and they have many sharp teeth.

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