domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016


The energy is the motor that move all the universe. We can´t see it as it is, but we can see many forms
of its manifestations in nature:
- The light and the hot of the sun.
- The movements of the things like water in the rivers.
- The electricity that we produce in the hidroelectric power stations or in the nuclear power stations.
- Or simply the heat produced by our body.

The energy is something that flow in the nature from one thing to another, and never can be destroyed, but its transformation something is useful for us and other times is very destructive.

We need transform some forms of energy in others for use them. For example in a river we transforms the water movement  in electricity or in mechanical movement in a watermill.

When we build hidroelectric power stations we modify the nature, we interrupt the natural cicle of the rivers, the fish migrations and inundate many forest and fields.

Similarly the nuclear power station are very dangerous for the nature because the radioactivity pollutes all the thing that it touchs, the water, the air that we breath, the floor and produces deadly diseases.

All the transformations of energy always means a big or a little problem for nature, and for this reason:

- When you wash your teeth or your body don´t leave the tap running.

- Don´t leave lights turn on if you don´t be in the room.

- Don´t put on the TV if you don´t watch it.

- Take advantage of the daylight and don´t turn on the house lights.

- Use the public transport, one car transport only five people, a bus transport more than fifty people.

- Switch the down the temperature of the heating appliances and use more clothes in home.

 We are more than 5000 million of people in the world, and lot of people throw away energy when lot of them don´t have access to water or electricity. The consecuences for nature ant for humanity is a Earth planet more dirty, more contaminated and day to day more dangerous for the life.



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