domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016



What can I do to save energy?

We can save energy saving increasingly moreenergy and creating new sources of energy to have increasingly each more. Each to last more time and talles longer to stay without it.

  • 5 Examples of saving energy:

1. Use public transport whenever possible.

2. Use natural energy for the day instead of spending light.

3. Insulate the wallsan and windows of buildings.

4. Use low-energy lightbulbs at home.

5. Choose the most efficient electrical appliances.

  • More Information:

Renewable energy is generated from natural resources such as the sun,wind and water, using technology wich ensures that the energy stores are naturally replenished. 

  • Fun Facts:

1-  The world energy comes from the greek word energeia.

2-  Most types of energy are either a form of kinetic energy or potential energy.

3-  Plants use energy from sunlight during an important process called photosynthesis.

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