domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2018


digestive system

Resultado de imagen de digestive system

MAIN FUNCTION: We eat to get nutrients and vitamins that our bodies need to live and grow. Ourdygestive system takes these subtances from the food we eat.

  1.  MOUTH: The digestion starts in the mouth.The teeth crush the food and then mix it with saliva.
  2. ESOPHAGUS: The food travels down the esophagus to the stomach
  3. STOMACH: In the stomach , the food mixes with gastric juices.
  4. LIVER: The liver produces a liquid  called bile thats helps break down food .
  5. SMALL INTESTINE: The food goes into the small intestine. Here it mixes with bile from the liver. Nutrients are absorved here and they pass into the blood.
  6. LARGE INTESTINE: The undisgestedfood passes into the large intestine. There it's transformed into faces.
  7. RECTUM: Finally, the faces through the rectum and leave the body through the anus.
RELATIONSHIP: the relationship of the digestive system recives wáter and nutrients from the thinks we eat or drink. It processes them and takes energy from them. Then it passes it into our blood. 

ILLNESSES:The illnesses that can affect to the digestive system are: Crohn's disease is part of a group of digestive diseases called inflammatory digestivs diseases. However, it can be located anywhere in the digestive tract.
The most common symptoms are: abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, weight loss and fever.

This is an autoimmune disease, which means that our body attacks our cells believing that they are invading agents.

FUN FUCT:Most people think that we digest food in our stomach . In reality , the main process ok braking down food into nutrients and absorbing these nutrients into the blood takes places in the small intestine.

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