domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2018



Respiration or breathing is also part of nutrition. Our bodies need to absorb oxygen in order for our muscles to function. Our respiratory system takes oxygen from the air we breathe.


1. Mouth and nose: air enters the body through the mouth and nose.

2. Vocal cords: as air pasees our vocal cords, they vibrate and enable us to speak

3. Trachea: This long, rigid tube connects our mouth and nose to our two bronchi. Air travels down the  trachea into the bronchi

4. Lungs: These two large bags are connected to the bronchi. The bronchi branch into millions of smaller tubes, or bronchioles, here in the lungs.

5. Bronchi: These two smaller tubes connect the trachea to the lungs.

6. Bronchioles: These are small tubes inside the lungs. At the end of each bronchiole, there are tiny sacs called alveoli. The air we breathe in goes into these tiny sacs and then pasees into blood vessels which surround them.



- Asthma: asthma is defined as a common, chronic respiratory condition that causes difficulty breathing due to inflammation of the airways.
Allergic reactions, infections and pollution can all trigger an asthma attack

- Lung Cancer: this cancer is difficult to detect. Most often, the cancer develops in the main part of the lungs near the air sacs. DNA mutations in the lungs cause irregular cells to multiply and create an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, or a tumor. These tumors interfere with the regular functions of the lungs.

- Pneumonia:  is a common lung disease caused by an infection in the air sacs in the lungs. The infections can be bacterial, viral or fangal. Patients can be at increasingly susceptible to pneumonia, based on their smoking history or just their overall immune status. If they are frail or sickly, they can develop pneumonia more readily than young, healthy, well-nourished people


With the circulatory systems because the oxygen travell to the body. 
With the digestive systems because the mouth is part of the respiratory systems and digestive systems.


1. Is made up of several organs and structures, includin the lungs windpipe, diaphragm and alveoli.

2. The lungs are the only organs that can float on water

3. Some people can hold their breath for more than 20 minutes.

4. You lose a lot of water just by breathing.

5. The common cold can be caused by hundreds of different viruses.

6. The lungs and windpipe were important symbols in ancient Egypt.

7. Elephants have a unique respiratory structure.

8. Horses only breathe through their noses.

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