domingo, 10 de enero de 2016



Hello , know im  explain to you the kingdom, tipe,relationship,characteristics,fun facts of a snake.


The snake have intraspecific and interspecific relationships.

intraspecific:reproduction,because the snake reproduce,feeding,because the snake hunt larger animals for food.

interspecific:predation,because the snake eats other animals.

The snakes are reptiles,they diden't have legs except the pitn that they develop a little legs.The snakes have a large body.
there are 2 types of snakes:poisonous and constrictors.exist 456 types and 2.900 species of snakes.

Fun facts:
The snakes can grow when they diden't eat nothing.
The type of snake ,Cobra they diden't trow the saliva they trow the poison because this is a mecanism to protect her when something are disturbing to the snake to the cobra.                           


  1. Characteristic: Is a small animal, with Two small black eyes, he have short hair and have four little legs.
  2. Behavior: Is a nervous animal, at morning he is always sleeping but During the night is al time doing noises and running in the wheel
  3. Habitat: The majority of them lives underground, but them can live perfectly on the surface with out any problems.

jueves, 7 de enero de 2016




  • KINGDOM: Animal.
  • TYPE: Mammal.


  • INTERSPECIFIC: An interspecific situation is for example wen a panda have parasitism in its fur.
  • INTRASPECIFIC: An intraspecific situation is for example  when a panda has sexual relations with another panda and they have a baby panda.


Pandas live in the forests of China. They belong to the ursidae family. Their genus and species are ailidopura melanoleuca. Pandas are omnivores, but ltheir diet is 99% bamboo. They live almost 20 years. The Panda's size uses to go from1.2 to 1.5 m., and their weight is approximately 136 kg. They are protected animals, and have white and black fur. 

  • There are only about 1,000  pandas left in the wild. Perhaps 100 pandas live in zoos.
  • Today the panda is a symbol of China .They are protected by the chinese government. 


Kingdom: Animal

Type: Mammals



  • We place the habitat of lions in Africa and Asia.
  • They live in herds.
  • Lions have musculars bodies.
  • Their heads are big and they have short limbs.
  • They have about two meters long and one meter tail.
  • They weigh between 150 and 240 kilos in males and between 125 and 180 kilos in females.
  • Typically they live approxinmately 15 years.
  • They are carnivores.

Resultado de imagen de fotos de leones


1) Interespecific
  • The lion is a predator.
  • They are carnivores and tend to feed on large mammanls, but also eat smaller mammals and reptils.
 leon cazando jabali

lucha leona cebra

2) Intraespecific
  • The lion is a social animal.
  • The lions are the most social of all big cats and live together in groups or "prides". A pride consists of about 15 lions.
  • Male lions defend the pride´s territory while females do most of the hunting. Despite this, the males eat first.

Resultado de imagen de fotos de leones

  • When young males are old enough to mate they must leave the group, then they form they own herd.
  • The lion is not a very active animal, usually rests about 20 hours a day.
  • Some lions are hunters and other caregivers.

Manada de leones en Bioparc Valencia

Fun Facts:

  • The lion has forever been a symbol of strength, power and ferocity.
  • Even though the lion is sometimes referred to as the "king of the jungle", the lion actually only lives in grasslands and plants. The expressions may have come from an incorrect association between Africa and jungles oy may refer to a less literal meaning of the word jungle.
  • Puzzle Educa 1000 SU MAJESTAD


              In the Animal Kingdom  lions live in Africa and Asia .

              Lions are  mammals.

              Their Relationship is intraspecific.


      The average male lion weighs around 180 kg, while the average female lion
 around 130 kg.

      The heaviest lion on record weighed an amazing 375 kg.

      Lions can reach speeds of up to 81 kph , but only in short bursts because of a
lack of 

      The roar of a lion can be heard from 8 kilometers  away.

        The Main Difference Between Lions & Lioness is the Mane.

       Relationship & Hunting

Lions go on the hunt for food mostly from dusk till dawn, they can Sleep 
or rest for more than 16 hours a day.

Female lions reach two-thirds of their adult size by the time they are two 
years old.

Lions hunt large animals such as zebra and wildebeest.

Even though the lion is sometimes referred to as: 
“ The King of the Jungle

It actually only lives in grasslands and plains

  Fun Facts

  Lions Body Parts


1.  Kingdom/type:  

 Whales belong to animal kingdom. They are vertebrates, mammals. Order cetaceans.

2.  Relationships:


-Most of whales make temporary social groups called PODS to travel, migrate, hunt and protect the others.
-During mating season, males compete and fight for females. Normally a female mates with multiple males.
-The strongest relation is between whale mothers and their calves. Mothers feed with milk and care for their young at least a year.


-Whales haven't predators in the ocean so they live many years.
-The most dangerous predator of the whales is the human being. Whales are in dangerous of extinction because human hunt whales, ships hit the whales and kill them and for contamination.
-Whales are predators:  Baleen whales eat small fish and tiny crustaceans (krill).
                                      Thoothed whales hunt squids, big fish, marine mammals...
3. Characteristics:
-Whales look like fish but they are mammals. They are the biggest mammals in the world and they have adapted to live in the water.  
        Like mammals: 
Whales breathe air through blowholes (1 or 2). They have lungs.
Whales have hair.
Whales are warm-blooded. They maintain a hight body temperature with a thick layer of fat in their body and need to eat a lot of food.
-There are two groups of whales

Baleen whales: They have baleen plates for filtering food from water. These are the biggest.
Thoothed whales: They have teeth and they are smaller than the baleen whales.

THOOTHED WHALE                        BALEEN WHALE
-Whales live in all the oceans. The biggest whales live in the Arctic cold water  and usually migrate very long distances each year looking for food and warmer water.
-Whales have a very big dorsal fin to swim very fast: 40-50 km/hour.

4. Fun facts:

-The blue whale is the largest animal in the world.
-Some species of whales can sing, for example humpback and blue whales. They produce sounds like music and use this to communicate and to locate in the ocean.
During de mating season males sing to females and between them.

-Some whales can stay under water for 90 minutes.
-Whales sleep only with half brain each time. The other half is for remember to go up to the surface to breathe.
-Whales swallow their weight in water to feed.
-The most famous whale is Moby Dick because is the protagonist of the film Mobi Dick





Cheetah is from animal kingdom.
Cheetah lives in Africa



They have intraspefic relationships:

-          Reproducción and feeding

They have interspecific relationships:

-          Predation



-          Cheetah is mammal, carnivore, vertebrate and viviparous.

-          Mammal because he doesn’t put eggs, he has fur and feeds milk to their babies.

-          Carnivore because he eats meat.

-          Vertebrate because he has bones.

-          Viviparous because he borns alive.


Fun facts

-          Cheetah is the fastest animal of the world.

-          Cheetah only drinks one time in three days.

-          Cheetah has an excellent vision to hunt.

-          The principal enemy of cheeath is the humans.

STARFISH By Bárbara de los Santos Hesler


One of mi favourite animals of the sea is the STARFISH or SEA STARS because is amazing that they  can regenerate lost arms. This is useful if the sea star is threatened by a predator. The starfish can drop an arm to get away. .
While the five-armed varieties of sea star are the most well known, not all sea stars have 5 arms.
 Some have many more like this one in the photograph
The natural kingdoom of the starfish is the sea.
There are over 2,000 species of starfish

Starfish are echinoderms (spiny skinned sea urchins). 
Starfish cannot swim, and they do not use gills to breathe
Starfish have hundreds of tiny projections known as tube feet on the underside of their body. The tube feet allow the starfish to move along the ocean bottom and open upon the scallops and clams they hunt for food.The starfish has two stomachs.
The starfish have microscopic eyes at the end of each arm; this enables the starfish to view movement and differentiate between light and dark. They don’t, however, see much detail.
 Sea stars house most of their vital organs in their arms, so some can even regenerate an entirely new sea star from just one arm and a portion of the star’s central disc. It takes almost a year for this to happen
Here is my dad filming some red STAR FISH in Panama, the beach was full of them .

Science Class 5EP: SPIDERS



1) My kingdom is an animal. The spiders are arachnids like scorpions

2) Relationships:

- Interspecific: Spiders are predators, for example, they eat flies.

- Intraspecific: Adult spiders are solitary animals and are related to those of the same species, for example, to reproduce. In this case, the male has to be careful that the female does not eat it.

3) Characteristics:

- Spiders have 8 legs and most have 8 eyes.
- Spiders do not have wings or antennae.
- Males typically lives less time than females and are smaller.
-All spiders have fangs and almost all have poison in them. Most poisons spiders do not harm people. Some of them can cause pain and a few, such as the Black Widow can cause death.
-All the spiders produce silk but not all spin webs.

4) Fun facts:

- Spiders have 8 legs with 6 joints on each leg. ¡That means you have 48 knees!

- The biggest spiders, like Goliath Tarantula, can eat birds, frogs or lizards.

- The bite of the tarantula is as painful as the  sting of a wasp or bee but no more dangerous.


1.KINGDOM  The tiger is for the animal kingdom , is native for asia, is predator. 

2.RELATIONSHIP  Interspecific: The tiger and the zebra. Predator:The tiger kills zebra and the tiger eats the dead zebra.

Intraspecific: tiger gives food to their young of a dam 
3.CHARACTERISTIC : Is a animal  solitary and territorial

4 FUN FACTS :Tigers are able to jump 5 meters alter and stripes are only

 1.What is the kingdom of lion
The lion is from the mammals
The mammals are the only animals that are vivipars
The  mammals are the only animalls that can have fur
2.Important characteristics from lions
 They are felins like cats
They are thee second largest felines after the tiger
They have powerful legs and a strong jaw
They use their fur to hide from the animals to hunt
Lions born with spots and when they grow this spots dissapear
The lions don´t the lionesse are the lions that hunt

3.Funny facts
The humans have done a lot of filmslio about this animals, for example `` The Lion King´´
In this filmm, the principal charcter is Simba a young lion that grow in the film  

4.The intraspecific
The lion`s reproduce between them to preserve  their specie and breed


CHEETAH by Carlos Butragueño

  • The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. It can reach a top speed of around 113 km per hour in just a few seconds. It can only keep up their top speed for a few minutes before they are too tired to continue.
  • The Cheetah has a long and slender body that is covered in coarse yellowish fur and dotted with small black spots. 
  • The cheetah weigh 45 – 60 kilograms.
  • The majority cheetah is found in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • The cheetah is a predator. It represents a serious threat to animals on this list that inhabit the same geographic areas.
  • The cheetah is fairly fragile and will lose in most fights with other predators.

  • The gestation period lasts for around 3 months. The female Cheetah gives birth to between two and five cubs.
  • Cheetahs often kill their prey in vast open spaces. Cheetahs eat small- to medium-size animals, such as hares, impalas, wildebeest calves, and gazelles.
  • The biggest threat to Cheetahs is people.
  • Cheetahs have actually been domesticated by local people for thousands of years, as they were used to help with hunting for food for the villagers.
  • The cheetah's excellent eyesight helps it find prey during the day.
  • The cheetah is hard to see because its spotted coat blends with the tall, dry grass of the plains.

4. Cheetah Interesting Facts

  • While lions and leopards usually do their hunting at night, cheetahs hunt for food during the day.
  • Cheetahs cannot climb trees and have poor night vision.
  • Cheetahs only need to drink once every three to four days.
  • Cheetahs do not roar, as the other big cats do. Instead, they purr.


martes, 5 de enero de 2016




The lions belong to the animal kingdom. 

In this photo we can see a family of lions.

Spending between 16-20 hours of the day sleeping or resting, are the laziest of the big cats.


  • The Intraspecific: The lions reproduce between them to preserve their specie and breed. Protect their herds, They hunt in groups to other animals.  

  • The Interspecific: The lion is the predator and for example: deer,zebras,giraffes... are their prey. 

In this photo we can see a lion when is eating a deer.


The lion is vertebrate, carnivor and mammal.  He isn't a household animal.

The lion is the second largest cat in the world.

The lions  are great  and very fast, they eat other animals, even more bigger than them and they don't eat sea animals. 

They live in the jungle or in the amazon, they are the animals more strongest of the jungle, for this reason they are called "The kings of the jungle" but with their kinds are very careful.

The lion is a beatiful animal, can be male or female. The principal characteristics to diference them is the mane, the male lion has  and the female hasn't it. 

In this video you can see better the lion´s world. 


There are approximately 22.000 species of lions. 

The lions have 30 teeth in their mouths.

The male lion weight around 180kg and the female lion weight around 130kg.  
The heaviest lion weight 375kg.

The roar of the lion can be heard from 8 kilometers.

I hope that you like it!!




    The horse is a great and beautiful animal. They are hervibores and pacific. They belongs at the Equidae family, and they are mammals.

      We can find them free in the country, wild, or in farms, in Horseback riding, etc. Actually they lives everywhere around the world 


   An interesting interspecific horse relationships is the seeds dispersion through excrements in wild life, because the horses eat normally fruits, cereals as well as grass.

       At the present time they have a deep intraspecific relationship in the domestic conditions with the humans, working in farms, transport of materials and in special education country schools.

The female horses are called mares and the young horses foals and filly.

There are a lot of horse species in the world. Only in Spain sixteen of them are native:

-Andalusian horse.
-Basque mountain horse.
-Galician pony.
-Hispano - Arabe.
-Hispano - Breton.
-Jaca Navarra.
-Pirenec Catalan.
-Retuerta horse.

Some species of horses only exist for industrial meat production.

The horse is a beauty animal, we must take care with them, protect
them, because they do a great work for us....

The horse along the time has been imaginated, drawed and filmed
with parts from other animals like wings or horns.
The humans have created  " Pegasus ", " Unicorns " and 
" Centaurs ".

The horse, because is a domestic animal, starring many funny anecdotes like this video:



- The photographs copyrights are property of theirs autors.

Autor: Estefanía Ramírez Pérez.