lunes, 4 de enero de 2016






There are three species of camels : the bactrian, camel has two humps,and domestic, wild bactrian, and no one has managed to tame him,the dromedary differs from others because it only has a hump.

Camels live in the deserts sands, live in the rocky deserts of central and eastern Asia. The temperatures in these places are extreme : 40 degrees in summer and -29 degrees in winter.

Camels are herbivores,  generally camels have a passive character,

Their life expectancy is between 40-50 years, can travel up to 65 km.


Hate relationship: Camel vs ostrich along very bad, camels and ostriches killing each other.

LIST OF FRIENDSHIP: Camel  with camel are protected and mutual affection shown, shading each other.

Camel and horse : They help each other,  when they attack .


Domesticated thousands of years ago, used for trade in incense, which trained the camels to make  the arduos journey  from southern Arabia to the more nothern regions of the middle east, the camels were turning to desert dwellers in the first means of transport, and shade them provived , milk, meat and wool.

Reach 2 meters with the hump and weigh about 816 kg


Camels can load up to 36 kg in the hump on his back, allowing them to remain without water and food for six to ten days.

The function of the hump is to store water and energy , then used in case there is a shortage.

Eating herbs give them enough water to survive for a long time, anyway, when the camels drink order , act like a sponge.

The camel can drink 135 liter a in 13 minutes.

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