jueves, 7 de enero de 2016





Cheetah is from animal kingdom.
Cheetah lives in Africa



They have intraspefic relationships:

-          Reproducción and feeding

They have interspecific relationships:

-          Predation



-          Cheetah is mammal, carnivore, vertebrate and viviparous.

-          Mammal because he doesn’t put eggs, he has fur and feeds milk to their babies.

-          Carnivore because he eats meat.

-          Vertebrate because he has bones.

-          Viviparous because he borns alive.


Fun facts

-          Cheetah is the fastest animal of the world.

-          Cheetah only drinks one time in three days.

-          Cheetah has an excellent vision to hunt.

-          The principal enemy of cheeath is the humans.

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