jueves, 7 de enero de 2016

 1.What is the kingdom of lion
The lion is from the mammals
The mammals are the only animals that are vivipars
The  mammals are the only animalls that can have fur
2.Important characteristics from lions
 They are felins like cats
They are thee second largest felines after the tiger
They have powerful legs and a strong jaw
They use their fur to hide from the animals to hunt
Lions born with spots and when they grow this spots dissapear
The lions don´t the lionesse are the lions that hunt

3.Funny facts
The humans have done a lot of filmslio about this animals, for example `` The Lion King´´
In this filmm, the principal charcter is Simba a young lion that grow in the film  

4.The intraspecific
The lion`s reproduce between them to preserve  their specie and breed


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