domingo, 8 de enero de 2017




The function of the Digestive System is to provide our body with the energy, vitamins and minerals we need.

There are several stages in the digestive system, as que need first to breal the food in smaller pieces that the organs and cells of our body can use.


The major stages are:

- Chewing: We break the food in the mouth with our teeth in smaller pieces we can swallow, and mix it with the enzymes of the saliva.
- Swallow: The tongue and the muscles of the back of out mouth push the food to the esophagus and falls into the stomach.
- Stomach: While the food sits in the stomach, more enzymes break the food into smaller parts like proteins that our body can use.
- Small intestine: With the help of the liver and pancreas, keel breakig the food into arts that go to our blood.
- Large intestine: all the food and parts that our body doesn´t need or can use leave through the large instestine as waste.

- Mouth
- Teeth
- Salivary glands
- Tongue
- Esophagus
- Liver: provides biler that helps to break food into smaller pieces
- Pancreas: provides aditional enzymes to help to process the food.
- Small intestine
-Large intestine


- The total lengot of our digestive system is between 7 and 10 meters.
- The food hangs out in the stomach for four hours till is processed to the Small Intestine
- - The stomach kills a lot of bad bacteria so we don´t get sick.

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