sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016




Cactus are perennial plants, always full of spines, and can have several forms, loocking like a tree or like a basketball. Most of the cactus in the world came from America.


1.- Leaves: The leaves of the cactus are the spines, that grows from points called aureoles.

2.- Flowers: Cactus have flowers that are always symmetrical. They are always white, yellow, red or magenta.

3.- Fruits: Most of the cactus have fleshy fruits full of seeds. We can eat some of them, like the Indian fig.

4.- Stem: The stem is full of water and is the main organ of the cactus for the photosyntesis, because the cactus dont have leaves.

Reproduction: The cactus are pollinated by insects (like bees and butterflies), birds and bats. They are never polinated by the wind. 

Fun facts: The tallest cactus in the world can grow to 19 meters, and the smallest cactus is just one centimeter tall.
Cactus are in the earth since 30 million of years ago

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