domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016


The Orchid 


  • They grow on the trunks or branches of trees,where they can't take nutrients from the soil but from rainwater and water that runs down the trunk dragging nutrients.
  • It is a plant growth one foot in the buds emerge from the center of the plant and growing vertically.
parts of orchid 

  • stamen: Male part, incluide anther and filament
  • Pistil: Female part, incluide stigma, style and ovary
  • Calyx: Protection for flower during development
  • Petals: Protection for flower as well as attracting pollinators.
Reproduction : Male
  • Anther: Produces pollesn grains
  • Filament: Supports anther above female reproductive organs
  • Stigma: Sticky landing site for pollen grains
  • Style: Tube that leads down to ovary
  • Ovary: Contains ovules that develop into seeds

Fun Facts

Did you know that certain species of orchid can survive up to 100 years? And that orchids have the largets variety of flowers with the number of officially documented species standing at an amazing 25,000 plus?

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