domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016

Rafflesia arnodii

Raffesia arnoldii

It  is a plant rafflesia genre, found in the rainforest of Indonesia and malaysia was found in 1.818.

Characteristics: It  can measure a meter of diameter and more than 11 kilos which makes it the largest flower in the world. It is a red color and orange flower.

A particular characteristic is that the plant smells very bad and it also give off heat.

Reproduction:This flower is pollinated by flies which
 feed by carrion, they are been attract by bad smell.
 So it needs a cross polination. It means that is an hermaphrodite flower because have both parts, female and male.

Resultado de imagen de parts of a flower

It is an hermaphrodite flower because it has both male and female organ as we can see at the picture. 

Fun facts of my plant:

-The Rafflesia Arnoldii blossoms is the biggest, largest and even the stinky flower in the world. 

-It has5 flower petals

-It takes about nine months for the flower to bloom and it can only last for a week.
-The  Rafflesia may be the heavyweight champion among blooms, but it is also extremely shy and temperamental
-The parasitic plant has no root or stem and grows inside its host, a Tetrasigma vine, which is of the grape family.

-There are 20 Rafflesia species in the world, with Malaysia and Indonesia having eight species each.

-When a Rafflesia flower blooms, it emits an overpowering scent of rotten meat.

 This is the real size of this flower comparing with an human been

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