The sight is a sense that allowing us to see.
The most important organs of the sight are the eyes.
The organs of the sight are the eyes and the brain.
The eyes work from the moment you wake up until you close them to go to sleep .Give us a lot of information about the world around us, silhouetttes, colours, movements and more. They send the informationto the brain to process it and know that what happens outside the body.
The eye is the size of a ping-pong ball.
The sclera, the retina, the iris, the pupil, the cornea, the crystalline lens and the optic nerve.
The cornea allows us to focus on objects .
The iris is the coloured part of the eye and is adjusted to control the amount of light passing through the pupil (black circle in the center of the iris).
The light entering the pupil reaches the lens that focuses the rays of light to the retina.
The retina converts light into signals transmitted by the optic nerve to the brain .The retina uses special cells called rods and cones to process light , the rods are in black cones perceive colour.
To protect the eye is the sclera and outside the eyelid and the eyelashes.