domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

The Sense of Taste

The Sense of Taste

The tongue is a muscle which help us to eat. The tongue works in the voice too. On the top of the  tongue you can see small bumps, they are called taste buds. The taste buds are distributed throughout the tongue and recognize the flavors. The taste buds can be calciformes (sweet, salt and acid) and fungiformes too. There are other types of small bumps than look like the taste buds, botton buds, but they don´t recognize flavors.

We have four kinds of flavors:
1 SWEET like sugar
2 SALT like salt
3 BITTER like coffee
4 ACID like lemon

We have 10.000 bottoms taste on the tongue.
In the back of the tongue are the taste buds of the bitter.
In the two sides of the tongue we feel the acid.
The salt is felt in the sides and at the begining of the tongue.
On the top of the tongue we taste sweet.

Some insects have on the lega some fine hairs, and they can distinguish the taste of nectar from flowers.

Orange: Bitter
Green: Acid
Blue: Salt
Pink: Sweet

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