miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014


Mammals are vertebrate.
Mammals are viviparous.
Mammals have sexual reproduction. 
Mothers give birth their offspring
Mothers produce milk to feed their offspring.
Some mammals carry their offspring in the marsupium: a "pocket" in the front side of the mother's abdomen.
Mammals have seven cervical vertebrae.
Mammals have a constant blood temperature.
Mammals are warm-blooded.
Mammals can be carnivorous (they eat meat)
Mammals can be insectivorous (they eat insects).
Mammals can be herbivores (they eat plants). 
Mammals can be and omnivores (meat and plants).
Mammals can be terrestrial, arboreal, aquatic and aerial.
Mammals are the largest animals in the planet: whales and elephants.
Mammals are the most intelligent animals in the planet: humans
Examples of mammals:
  • whales
  • elephants
  • monkeys
  • humans
  • dogs
  • cats
  • lions
  • tigers
  • bats
  • dolphins


1 comentario:

  1. Carlos this is a great post! You used simple, easy sentences so it´s easy for everyone to read and understand! You also put great pictures! Very well done!
