miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

reptiles are oviparous.
the most of the reptiles are Green.
the parts of the reptiles are the legs ,eyes,mouth...
the reptiles are vertebrates.

the charcteristics are they live in the soil or in the water,they have a skeleton with bones,they can swam,they have for legs,they can live in the water and in the soil por example cocodriles
some like lizards they can broken his tail but later is grow back,they have a tail,they dont have hair,some are agressive,they can are longest or shortest,they can are Little big or medium size,they live in the forest. some reptiles are very beautifall.some reptiles are ugly.the camalion change of colour are beutifall.                                                             

1 comentario:

  1. Macarena this is a great post! I can see that you used your own words and it is easy to understand! Very good work!
