domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014



  • The sense of smell is what allows us to distinguish smells and warns us of dangers.
    The nose is the organ by which penetrate the smell that we feel from the outside.
    Smell this at the bottom of the nose, has two cavities, nostrils separated by a septum.
    The part inside of the nose is formed by two walls yellow pituitary and pituitary red.
    The yellow receives information to the olfactory bulb, which transforms it intro never impulse.
    The red, helps regulate the air entering and leaving through lungs.
    When the odorous substances enter the nose, dissolves in the nasal mucosa, they activate never endings, the pass through the holes in the bone ethmoid, in the olfactory bulb, they connect  with the factory nerves that the information transports to the temporary false rumour of the brain.
    When the pituitary yellow one same substance reached him for a long time, let perceive its smell.
    The loss of smell called Anosmia.

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