lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014



Butterflies are the most beautiful insects in the world.
They have different colors on their wings.
Butterflies like fly and when they are hungry feed on pollen from flowers.
Butterfly parts are:
: Head.
. Thorax.
Butterflies are not always so pretty at first are caterpillars that feed all day eating leaves, then they get into a "case" called pupa and then  butterflies born.
Butterfly wings are covered with very small scales .
There are many types of butterflies such as: 

Blue Morpho.

Vanessa atalanta.
Azufrada Gigante.
Blue triangle.
Tail club.

1 comentario:

  1. Very nice post Laura! Butterflies are interesting insects especially since they completely change form in their "case" or "cocoon". Good
