domingo, 7 de enero de 2018


All cats are mamals, they are carnivorous and they are part of the feline family.
The domestic cat is one of the most popular pets in the world.
Cats have a strong flexible body,sharp retractable claws and ver y quick reflexes.

Resultado de imagen de parts of  a cat

Cats hunt live prey,usually small animals like mice and birds.cats are extremely fast but only in short distances.
There are a lot of different types of cats ,with different fur colors, with long hair,without hair and with or without tails
.Resultado de imagen de different kinds of cats
Cats usually live for about 15 o 20 years .
They have a very good hearing. Their ears have 32 different muscles and this makes that cats can point their ears in any direction.
Cats have an instictive method of hunting.they creep toward their victim,keeping its body flat and near to the ground so they can not been seen easily and then they make a fast run towards their victims.
Facts about cats:
- Cats sleep 16-18 hours per day
- Cats have more than 100 different vocal sounds.
-  An adult cat has 30 adult teeth
- Cats cannot taste anything sweet
- Cats who fall 5 stories have a 90 percent survival rate
- A cat can jump approximately 7 times its height
- Cats greet one onother by touching their nose together
- Cats whiskers help cats detect objects and navigate in the dark
- A cat´s sense of smell is aproximately 14 times greater than that of a human
- Cats spend a large amount of time licking their coats to keep them clean
Resultado de imagen de imagen gato cazando

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