viernes, 5 de enero de 2018



Commonly known as the Sundews, is one of the largest genera of carnivorous plants, wiith at least a 194 species. They are members of the family Droseraceae lure. It's a carnivorous plant and they also eat insects and digest them.

Sundew plants trap insects like mosquitoes, flies and gnats with the help of sticky, mucilaginous glands that are present on surface of their leaves. They obtain mineral nutrition from these digested insects. They can be grown everywhere- indoors as well as outdoors. They are easy to handle and do not require much care. Drosera, usually a small perennial, is self-fertilizing and derives nutrition from its trap

Example of cell:
secretory cells,tracheids,transfer cells.

flower ,stem ,hairs with sticky tips ,leaf .

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