domingo, 7 de enero de 2018



Dogs are social animals and have a pecking order . Dogs live in herd and as the owner /caregiver , you are the herd_r . commit to the role .
Socializationon is critical for puppies or behaviour problems  as adults are likely (fearful , aggression) . It is important that puppies are not left alone for extended periods or behaviour problems are also likely.
Early weaning (before 12 weeks) can also contribute to behaviour problems rough housing with littermate and the mother teaches pups the ``inhibited ´´bite plus other limits , therefore if adopted before 12 weeks , you must teach the puppy whites appropriate .
Training can start early . Start as young as possible . Food is a powerful lever . Do not be afraid to use it . Puppies can attend puppy clases starting at 12 weeks of age .

parts of dogs

animal cell→the cytoplasm is inside the cell . It is a viscous liquid which the organelles float in . 
the nucleus contains the material necessary to reproduce the cell and to assign the activities of the cell .         
the cell membrane is the ouster shell of the cell and takes patr on interaction . 
the organelles perform various cell functions , such as manufacturing chemicals and obtaining energy . 

the kingdom of a dog is animal kingdom . 

fun facts

1⇨Apple and pear seeds contain arsenic , which may be deadly to dogs . 
2➡Don't let them fool you...
they can't feel guilt . 
3⇰Dogs use up to 18 muscles to move each ear. 

dogs were wild , but now they have evolved , they live with humans and they are domestic

thanks for see my job馃槏

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