domingo, 7 de enero de 2018



  • The lion is the second largest feline,onlythe tiger is bigger.
  • The lion has muscular body,short limbs and large heads.
  • The lion is a very beautifull animal.
  • The roar of a lion can be Heard from a distance of 8 km.
  • The lion be called the King of the jungle.
  • The lionessesare the ones that hunt
  • The lion belong to the group of mammals.
  • The lion is a carnivorous animal and is in danger of on extinction. 



There are 10 species of lions in the world. Some species are the following:

  • Lion of the Congo: Its scientific name is Panthera Leo Azandica, and lives in the Dominican Republic of the Congo. 
  • León Massai: Its scientific name is Panthera Leo Nurica, and it is found in the eastern and northeastern areas of the African continent.
  • Leon of West Africa: Its scientific name is Panthera Leo Senegalensis, and lives in the area between West Africa to the Central African Republic.
  • Leon of Katanga: Its scientific name is Panthera Leo Bleyenberghi, and it lives in Angola, Zambia and in the south of the Dominican Republic of the Congo.
  • Leon of the Transvaal: Its scientific name is Panthera Leo Krugeri, and is found in the northern and southeastern areas of South Africa, as well as northwest of the Kalahari Desert.
  • Leon Asiatic: Its scientific name is Panthera Leo Persica, and is also known by the names of South Asian lion, Persian lion or Indian lion. 

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