domingo, 7 de enero de 2018

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  1. Characteristics
  2. Parts
  3. Types of rabbits
  4. Video

1. Characteristics
  1. Scientific name: Oryctolagus cuniculus
  2. Kingdom: Animalia
  3. Number of species: Thirty types
  4. Longevity: Between nine to twelve years
  5. Feeling habits: Rabbits are hervibores animals. 
  6. Size: They grow up between twenty and fifty centimeters long.
  7. Reproduction: Viviparus

Image result for parts of rabbits


All the rabbits have:

  • Eye
  • Nose
  • Whiskers
  • Dewlap
  • Elbow
  • Forelegs
  • Ears
  • Body
  • Tail
  • Belly
  • Hind les
  • Feet

3. Types of rabbits

There are thirty types of rabbits. Here are some of the different types:
Image result for rabbits
  1. Holland lop
  2. Mini lop
  3. Rex rabbit
  4. Satin
  5. Polish rabbit
  6. Fee de Marbourg
  7. Tapeti
  8. Riverine rabbit
  9. American fuzzy lop
  10. Checkered giant rabbit
  11. Eastern cottontail
  12. Alaska rabbit
  13. Mini satin rabbit
  14. Pygmy rabbit
  15. Cashmere lop


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