lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018

Cold desert

                          Cold Desert


  • They are also known as polar desert
  • They are found in regions at higher latitudes 
  • Most of its rainfall is in the form of snow, fog, rain...
  • Most of the animals found in these areas have a thick fur coat and a thick layer of fat to keep warm
  • Examples of animals: Penguins,whales,killer whales,krills,polar bears,seals...
  • In winter, the temperatures are extremly cold  and in summer, warm temperatures.
  • Antartica is the largest cold desert of the Earth.
  • In Central Asia we can find the Gobi desert.
  • In North America we have the Great Basin desert 

Interaction with human:

  • There are aproximately 5000 people living in the Antartic pole. This is positive because there are more natural resources and  having fewer people living there conserves more natural space and there are less pollution.
  • Humans affect the Antarctic because they produce too much pollution constantly and global warming and that causes the ozone layer to deteriorate even more.


Image result for greenland


Food chain:

Image result for food chain cold desert

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