martes, 6 de marzo de 2018

                MARINE ECOSYSTEM:

                               Characteristics and location:

Marine ecosystems can be defined as the interaction of plants, animals, and the marine environment. By marine , we mean of, or produced by, the sea or ocean. The term encompasses the salty waters of the Earth , and is also known simply as a salt wáter ecosystem . As over 70% of Earth`s Surface is covered in water, and 97% of that water is salt water, marine ecosystem are the largest types of ecosystems on the planet.

Conventionally, the ocean has been divided into four major ocean basins: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic oceans. Specific marine ecosystems such as coral reefs, estuaries, salt mashes, mangrove forests are found throughout the world, but are characteristic of certain areas, depending on climate, geography, water temperature, and other physical factors

Marine ecosystems support a great diversity of life and variety of habitats.

The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate.

                                                     Plants and animals:

Marine habitats are the home to seaweeds, or marine algae (brown, green, red), sea grasses, which are the only marine flowering plants, and mangroves, located on muddy tropical shores.
Marine ecosystems are homes to protozoans, marine invertebrates (echinoderms, mollusks, segmented and non-segmented worms, jellies, coral, sea anemones, hyroids) marine vertebrates (fishes, birds, mammals), and plankton (phyto and zooplankton).


                                     Food Web - Chain :


Marine ecosystem threats

The threats that have impacted the marine ecosystems are pollution and overfishing . Pollution is impacting the marine ecosystems.

 Pollution is kiking marine animals not only in the salinity drop, but also they eat or get trapped in harmful garbage, maire life in the ocean die form swallowing or getting caugth in trast everyday.

Overfishing is a threat for marien ecosystem because a decrease in number of a species will effect the marine food web disrupting the whole ocean. If overfishing causes a specie to became extinct in the marine ecosystem then it will have one of the species in the ocean to become overpopulated. 


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