viernes, 2 de marzo de 2018


Characteristics :

Savannahs is a terresial ecosystem.
  • Locatian:
Savannahs are in Australia ,South America ,Africa and India.The African savannah is the most important .
Savannahs in the world

  • Temperature :
Temperatures are high all year long , from 20º to 30ºC.There is a wet season and a dry season .In the wet season,it rains a lot and the plants grow .During  the dry season, sometimes lightnings burn the dry grass.

  • Vegetation:

The savannah is dominated by grasses as the shrubs.You will not see many trees because there is little precipitations in the dry season.

  • Animals:
They are a great variety of animals like elephants, giraffes, zebra, lion, gazelle. During the dry season the drought is so intense that some animals has to migrate to  find water like wildebeest .

Wildebeest migration

Food Chain:

Many animals in the savannah are hervibores,which means that they eat plants and is plenty of plants in the savannah.The carnivores, like lions,  eat other animals.

For example :The lion eats the gazelle, the gazelle eats the grass and when the lion dies, the bacteria eat him .

Positive and negative effects that the humans do:

POSITIVE: Tourists bring money and help to the conservacion of natural parks 

NEGATIVE: Large areas of grassland have been changed in to farms .Sometimes the fire are started by humans. Some animals are hunted by humans, like the elephant or the rino. 

This video is about the African savannah. 
I hope you like it!!! 😄😊😄😄😄😄😄

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