domingo, 4 de marzo de 2018


Characteristics: Deserts have extreme hot temperatures. During the day the temperature may reach 50°C, when at night it may fall to below 0°C. Deserts have less than 250 mm of rainfall per year. The rain can be unreliable. Most deserts are found between 20° and 35° north and south of the equator.

Food web:The eagle eats the snake,the kangaroo rats and the large lizards.The desert fox eats the snake and the large lizards.The large lizards eat the insects and the small lizards.The scorpion eats insects.The kangaroo rat eats the cactus.The snake eats kangaroo rats.The insects eat the cactus.


Where you can find warm deserts???
You can fnd in America,Asia,Australia and Africa.The most famous warm deserts are the Sahara and the Atacama.

Vegetation and water:There is little vegetation and there is very very very little water.

Negative and positive effects produced by people:
NEGATIVE.People throw so many plastic bottles and pieces of paper.

POSITIVE.Some people clean the deserts of the trash.

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