lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018

Warm desert

- Very warm temperatures during the day and cold during the night 
- Very little rain 
- Sandy soil 
- Plants scarce, they do not need much water. Some examples are the cactus and bushes.
- Most animals that live in the desert sleep during the day because it is too hot. They come out at night to eat. They are called nocturnal.
- Animals that live in the hot desert have many adaptations.
-Some animals get their water from seeds and plant.
- Some examples of desert animals are: rattlesnake,jackrabit,reptiles and camel.
- Some of the major deserts are:
       . Great Basin (North América)
        .Atacama ( South América)
        .Mojave ( North América)
Some deserts are protected because they are nature parks for  example death valey desert or the mojave desert and so their ecosystems are protectedResultado de imagen de desert ecosystem

Primary producer: vegation
 Primay Consumer: rabitt
Secondary Consumer: desert fox
Tertiary Consumer: coyote = decomposer bacteria

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Some deserts have nicknames such us Death Valley because of the lack of water.

We have to be careful with desertification. We have to control the land around the desert, because it can dry and the desert can expand. We also have to control fires to stop desertification.Resultado de imagen de foto del desierto

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