lunes, 11 de junio de 2018


                                     Experiment of Heat

In this experiment , we will make a heat resistant balloon and explain step by step how this is possible.

What will we need?

a)  3 Balloons 

1.- with air
2.- with sand
3.- with Water

b) One candle 

c)  Fire 

What you have to do ?

Light a candle

Inflate the 3 balloons to an appropriate size

Now hold on the flame - what is happening?

Then fill the balloon with a little water and close to the fire.
It is evident that we must be careful with the candle, and as the balloon can explode, it is recommended to make the experiment far from any electrical thing. Do not leave the balloon on the flame for more than 50 seconds as water could heat up a lot.

What happens
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Explained the experiment: 

The candle is a source of heat and adds thermal energy to any object it touches. In this case, when the fire is attached to the rubber, it can not withstand the temperature, which allows the balloon to explode.

1 and 2.- If you put a normal balloon in a candle - ( with air of sand ), the candle transmits a large amount of thermal energy to the rubber until it heats up to the point the balloon bursts.

 3.- If the balloon has water inside it, the heat is transferred to the water, which needs a long time to warm up, therefore the rubber never heats up enough to explode.

If there is enough water in the balloon, the heat can be very efficiently transferred to the water. Water needs a large amount of energy to heat up, so it stays relatively cold for a long time, cooling the balloon.

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