lunes, 11 de junio de 2018


This experiment is about heat energy :
I am trying to show the hot water behavior


2.Two colors of food coloring in my case blue and read:
3.Glass container
4.Measuring cup
5.Two crystal glasses


- First step: Put in one of the glass 150 milliliters and in the other glass the same measurement.
- Second step: Color the water. We put the red color in one of the the glasses and the blue color in the other glass. 
- Third Step: Put the glass with the red water in the microwave for 2 minutes And also put some ices in the glass with blue water.
- Forth Step: When all is ready , in a recipient with tempered water, I have to introduce little by little at the same time the content of colored water glasses. 

         RESULT of the experiment:

- Hot water (red one) is up and the cold water (blue one) is below

           WHY?  CONCLUSION

This is cause because of the activity of its molecules.
- When the molecules are hot, they move a lot and they have less density
- When the molecules are cold, they have small pushes (they move a little), and their density is higher
- So that, hot water is up and cold water is below.



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