lunes, 11 de junio de 2018

Electrical energy


I´m going to show you an experiment to get electrical energy from the sun. 

For this science experiment, we need:

Now, I will explain my experiment, in the next video.

Why does it happen?

The mission of the photovoltaic solar panel is to receive solar energy and transform it into electricity. We will see how the sun´s energy is transformed into electrical energy. 

The sun´s rays hit the solar panel and are transformed into electrical energy. This energy causes the light bulbs to light up. 

The more the sun gives the photovoltaic solar panel energy, the more intense the light bulbs are. When we completely cover the photovoltaic solar panel, as no energy is produced, the bulb goes out. 

The energy can be stored in a battery. This way, we will have electrical energy when it is not sunny. 

The bulb lights up when sunlight is transformed into electrical energy. Look at the pictures. 

The energy of the sun accumulates in the battery. We will therefore have electric energy even when there is no sun. Look at the picture.


  • We can get electrical energy from the sun. 
  • We can save that electrical energy in a battery to use it later.
  • The sun´s energy is renewable.
  • Solar energy is a renewable resource that doesn´t pollute or affect the climate. It´s a clean resource. This energy will never run out. 
  • And the most important characteristic: this energy is FREE !!!!

Thanks to my friends from Zaragoza, for teaching me so much about solar energy so I can share it with my friends at school.

I hope you like my hard work. Thanks for your attention. 

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