miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015



The smell is one of the five senses of the human body, its the responsible for detecting odors.

                                                           THE  PARTS  OF  THE  NOSE

  • Nostrils: cavities where oxigen enters.
  • Meatus: humidifies the air, also heats.
  • turbinates: Dampen the air, so warm, meets function with the meatus .
  • Sinus: they are cavities found in bones near the nose, such as frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid and maxillary.
  •  Greatly affect breathing, warm, and processes of phonation.


These molecules reach the olfactory mucosa, which consists of three characteristic types of cells: olfactory sensory cells, supporting cells and basal cells, which divide about once a month and replace the dying olfactory cells.
the human nose can smell more than 10.000 diferents odors.

The 20 or 30 million human olfactory cells contain, at its front end, a small head with about 20 small sensory filaments (cilia).

The aqueous nasal mucus transports aromatic molecules to cilia using binding proteins; cilia transform the chemical signals of different flavors in electrical responses

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