lunes, 5 de enero de 2015



The sense of sight is the most important sense we have in the human body.

The sense of the sight is the ability of the eyes to see objets around us.

It is also the ability to percieve colours, brigtness and depth.

The main part of this sense is the eye.

Parts of the eye:

The iris is the colorful part of the eye.

The iris has muscles are adjusted to control the amount of light entering the eye.

The pupil is the black circle in the center of the iris.

The pupil is the part where the light enters the eye.

The lens' job is to focus light rays on the back of the eyeball.

The retina is in back of the eye.

The retina takes the light the eye receives and changes it into nerve signals so the brain can understand what the eye is seeing.

The optic nerve carries those messages from the eye to the brain.

We have to wear sunglasses to protect the eyes.

We have to eat vegetables for healthy eyes.

There are people who need glasses to correct vision, like me.

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