domingo, 4 de enero de 2015


The sense of the ear allows us to catch the sounds that surround us.

We hear agreeable, disagreeable sounds, troublesome noises, music and the voice of the persons who surround us.

The ear is formed by the ear, which is the external part.

Auditory conduit that comes to the eardrum joined the ossicles that they come to the snail, where finally the sounds are heard.

Of the snail, the sounds come to the brain for the auditory nerve. 

Do not raise too much the volume of the music, if ear rides..

It is a sense already developed on having been born, even when the baby this one inside the abdomen of the mother.

The ear works 24 hours of the day, enclosedly when he falls asleep
The ears also help you to support the balance.

The chain of huesecillos, it is formed by the three smallest and delicate bones of all your body, which are the following ones:

*The hammer, which is in touch with the eardrum and, since indicates his name, has form of hammer.
*The anvil, which is between the hammer and the stirrup and, as it indicates his name, has form of anvil.
*The stirrup, the smallest bone of the body, which is in touch with the anvil and, as also it indicates his name, has form of stirrup.

It is necessary to take care of the ears.

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