martes, 6 de enero de 2015

                                                       THE SENSE  OF  SMELL                               

The smell is a sense that able to detect and procces adors.
The human nose differentiates between more than 10.000 diferent aromas.
 The human nose skeleton is cartilaginous.
The underside of the nose is crossed by two holes  called nostrils.
 The nasal septum divides the nose into two nasal cavities.
The cartilaginous part of the nose is soft and mobile

The red pituitary gland is in the lower part of the nasal cavity and covered by numerous 
blood vessels that warm the air.
The yelow pituitary gland is in the upper part of the nasal cavity.
It has 3 layers: cells of support, olfactory cells and basal cells.
Also there are olfactory diseases such as:
-HYPOSMIA: reduces the ability to detect odors.
-ANOSMIA:lost of smell.
-SINUSITIS:occurs when the lining of the sinuses are inflamed and gives headache.
-RHINITIS: affects the nasal mucous and can be an allergicd symtom.
-POLYPS: are tumours mucous membranes usually irritated by colds.
The factors that can make a disease appears in smell are usually: sinus infections, 
hormonal disorders, dental problems.

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