domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014


Daisies belong to the Daisy family of Compositae, now know as Asteraceae in flowering plants. 

Origin: Daisies are native to north and central Europe.
Cultivation:Daisy generally blooms from early to midsummer although when grow under ideal conditions,they have a very long flowering season and will even produce a flew flowers I the middle of mild winters.
Etymology: The origin of the word, Daisy is corruption of “day's eye". It was called this because daisies open at down as the day at down as the day starts to begin.

  • Culinary: This daisy may be used as a pot herb. Young leaves can be eaten raw in salads or cooked, noting that the leaves become increasingly astringent  with age. Flower buds and petals can be eaten raw in sandwiches, soups and salads. It is also used as tea and as vitamin supplement.
  • Herbal medicine: Daisy has astringent properties and has been used in herbal medicine.
  • Other uses: Daisies have traditionally been used for  making daisy chains in children's games.


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