sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014


           THE INSECT

Some insects are terrestrials and some live in the water.
They have 3 pairs of legs and separated head thorax and abdomen.
Insects are the only invertebrates capable of flying.
Some insects undergo metamorphosis and some don´t.
Some of them are beneficial to humans, like caterpillars and flies.
The head of an insect consists of six parts, two antennas, two jaws and two eyes. The vision is in perspective.
The thorax hose got three parts with two legs each and wings on the last one.
The abdomen consists of eleven parts. The senses are perceived by sensitive hair and some insects have luminescent hair like fireflies.
Insects are the largest group of animals on earth because of their adaptability and flying skills.
They are capable of living in the desert  because it bod.

y retains water.
They are also inextinguishable because they reproduce all the year, they put thousands of eggs at day.

They are social insects, whore all their activities are social insects, whore all their activities are collective and they communicate. Like bees, ants and termites. They live in groups. There is one progenitor and progenys  are divided into groups. The queens are the only egg-laying.

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